Chapter thirty one

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Amal's POV.

We were currently standing in front of the door as we thanked the many guests that came and celebrated our 'special day' as they liked to call it.

I didn't realise how many people actually came until I had to say 'good bye' and 'thank you' to each and every single one of them, if my mouth was in pain before from faking my laugh, now it was numb.

"Amo, Congratulation one more time and I wish you a beautiful life with the man who you love and I know you will not find anyone who will love you as much as Masin will" my heart fluttered when I heard that Masin likes me but I quickly stopped it as I started to hug my uncle.

"Don't worry I won't leave yet I'm just going to sleep but tomorrow Inn Sha allah we will have the whole day to our self before I leave" hearing him say that he would leave, helped the sadness that was already in my heart to spread quickly. He was the only light in between all this evil and he was going to leave me.

Letting go of me he turned around and looked at Masin, without even saying anything they just patted eachother on the back, and just like that my uncle was gone, leaving me in an empty hall with Masin, Mariam and Jalal.

"Congratulation my brother I'm so happy that you are finally getting married, and to the one you want" Jalal hit Masins shoulder, and I swear if Masin didn't quickly hide his face I would have said that I saw him blush, but why would he blush if all of this was fake?

"And Congratulation Amal all I can say is that you may have not come into this village as the queen you are and we do apologise but from today onwards you will be treated like nothing less then a queen" thanking him for what he said I quickly looked down so that the urge of rolling my eyes infront of him doesn't over take me and causes me to do that.

Although I know no one will hurt me, well I'm hoping, there is still apart of me that is really scared of what they did to me.

Walking forward he waited for Mariam until she congratulated her brother and started to make her way towards me. She stood in front of me and looked right into my eyes, as I did the exact same thing.

My eyes were looking at her with so much hate, while hers looked at me with so much sadness. I was starting to become so confused why were they acting like this, when they are the bad ones.

Just when I thought she was going to hug me she said Congratulation and walked up to Jalal as they made their way out of the hall.

Once I saw that they were gone out of the hall I started to walk to our room. But not before I heard Masin ask 'what was that?' Not replying back to him I started to walk up the stairs that lead to the room. When Masin saw that I wasn't going to answer him he silently walked behind me.

I thought he was going to drop the subject but the moment we were inside the room and the door was closed he grabbed my hand and turned me around so now we were only inches away from eachother.

No one said a word as we stood looking at eachother, with every inhale I took I could smell his cologne invading my nostril as it slowly makes its way into me, forcing his scent into the deepest part of me.

Taking him in there was not an imperfection that my eyes could spot, I wasn't sure whether it was due to the room only being lit up with candles or he really was just perfect.

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