Chapter twenty one

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Masin's POV.

I can't believe she is gone, we have been looking for her for nearly an hour know. We searched everyone in the castle and she wasn't there so we headed outside dividing the group in half some searched in the villager while me and the rest searched inside the woods.

We were all running around looking for her however it was difficult to see her if she was hiding because he only light we got within the forest was the small light of he moon that came through the gaps of the leaves and also the burnt sticks we held on our hands.

What I can't seem to understand is why would she try to escape, if she was working for Suliman like how Jalal was said before, then she wouldn't have run, if her intentions were to get close to us to know our weakness then why did she leave so soon? Unless she wanted to communicate with them.

"Sir, Masin we found her" the moment I heard that I swung my head around so quickly that I was thankful I didn't break my neck, to where the voice came from, not wasting anymore time I started to run towards Salem, who was the guard that told me he found my Amal.

"What happened to her?" I asked as I started to run towards where I saw Amal laying on the ground motionless, so many emotions were spurring around in my head, could she be dead? She can't be dead because we just met, after all these years I've looked for her I can't have her die on me so soon.

"What happened to her?" I shouted even louder this time since no one gave me a reply the first time. Bringing my hand out I put it under her head and lifted it up as I brought my ear close to her mouth so that I could see if she is breathing or not.

"She was running and when I told her to stop she started to speed up until she fell down that cliff." I knew it wasn't his fault and I knew what I was going to say was out of pure anger but I didn't care, because at that moment all I could think about is Amal and how I was losing her because I could hardly hear her breathing.

"How dare you not run fast enough, how dare you let a girl beat you, is this what I have taught you what your leaders has taught you? You should be a shamed of yourself" turning around and not waiting for him to say anything, because although I knew he wasn't going to speak back due to the whole time I was speaking he instantly looked down as if he was ashamed and also if he did speak back that would be disrespectful.

"One of you run ahead and tell the doctor to meet us in front of my room, I don't care how late it is I want him there before I am there" one of the guards nods his head as he starts to run the direction of our territory. Bring my hands properly around Amal I pick her motionless body up as I hug her tightly around me so she doesn't fall.

She felt so light on my arms, and also the way her body fit perfectly around me, it's like we were just meant to be. I am just hoping inn Sha Allah that she will make it out fine then we can speak more clearly about how I feel for her.

Inn Sha Allah she makes it out alive I don't see my life without her anymore, I know that their might be a chance that she is working for Suliman but every time I look at her face I see that young innocent girl that I fell in love with.

Running as fast as I can I wanted to make it to my room as fast as I can so that I could see what the doctor would say, as I ran towards the castle I could see all the villagers all standing still and staring at me, as their bodies slightly bowed out of respect for me.

Although I never treated my people with disrespect, but I still made sure that they not only respected me but when needed feared me so that no one could think of me as weak.

"I swear the doctor better be in that room before I come because if he wasn't I'll have to..." but before I could finish my threat I could see the doctor and the guard that ran to call him running inside the castle as they made their way towards the room quicker.

Speeding up my running I wanted to get Amal checked up quickly, I didn't want to be the reason behind her death, if she ends up dying in my hand I will never forgive myself, I could never do that.

I always promised her parents that I would always look after her and protect her but yet I have failed that promise once again.

"Put her on the bed please" the Doctor says once I stepped into my room, I could see him holding the blanket up so that I could easily lay Amal on the bed as he could examine her.

"What happened to her?" The Doctor started to say as he checked her eyes, he opened her eyes and used a small light to see them he opened her mouth by squeezing her cheeks to check inside her mouth. "she was running and fell of a cliff all the way to the bottom" I said as I stood next to the bed, wanting to be so close to her yet not wanting to disturb the doctor.

"She seems to be breathing, which is a good thing" Nodding his head slightly he started to check if she had any injuries in her skin as he slowly glides his hand on her arms and stared at her face to see any sign of her flinching.

When she didn't react he went to her leg, and started to touch her legs slowly his eyes not once leaving her face, once he was done with the right leg he went to the left leg and done the same, however when he reached her left ankle she scrunched up her face as she lets out a small gasp.

"She seems to have dislocated her ankle" he tightened his grip on her a bit more as I saw her facial expression change as more pain formed its way onto her face. Tightening my fist I was just waiting for him to tighten his grip one more time before I punch him on the throat. He may be one of the best doctors we have in my territory but he ain't the only doctor.

"But there isn't a little ice and twist that can't fix it" bringing her petite leg slightly up he took of her shoes and then slowly put her dress down, so that he can get a better look at her ankles.

"If you pull that dress any further I will have to rip your eyes out" my voice was calm yet threatening, although I knew his intentions and that he is also a married man I just didn't want anyone seeing what's mine, she was mine.

"I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to disrespect" nodding my head he turns around and stares at her ankle, he touches hers for a couple of seconds just feeling her and without a warning he twisted it and the sound of bones grinding against each other was heard.

Her ankle finally looked straight, how ever there was no time to celebrate that because the next thing we heard is Amal's screams and cries begging us to not hurt her.

"Please I'm sorry I won't do it again, please don't hurt me" running up to her I sat on the bed next to her and brought my hand on both her shoulders and start to shake her so she could wake up. "What did you do to her?" I turned around at the doctor, mortified in how he can call himself a doctor after causing her such pain.

"She seems to be having a dream or going through memory lane" I could see Amal sweating she was shaking her head as she screamed and begged, I don't know who she was begging or why, but I knew one thing and that is if I found out who it is I would make them wish they were never born.

"Please my love wake up" upon hearing me repeat sweet nothings into her ear, Amal quickly jolted up and brought her hands around me as she tightly hugged me, however her screams might have reduced but she was still begging for mercy as she swayed back and forth.

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