Chapter Fifteen

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Amal's POV.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" a deep unfamiliar voice says, however the moment my mother heard that voice I felt her grab my hand as her grip tightens around my wrist, I wanted to tell her she was hurting me but I knew now was not the time.

Turning around to where the males voice came from, my mum quickly hid me behind her, moving my head slightly to the side I got a full view of the man.

He was wearing a navy blue pants with the same coloured dress shirt. He had brown hair which was cut extremely short almost making him look bold, due to the brown of his hair being only a shade darker then his skin. However what caused me to get scared and hide my face behind my mother was his eyes, they held so much anger so much rage that you could  see fire within and the sunlight radiating onto his eyes was not helping in making it less frightening.

"Suliman Hussein what are out doing here?" Although I knew how nervous and fearful my mother was at this moment, with that mighty grip she had on my wrist she held herself so well as she spoke with this Suliman guy, as power radiated from her voice.

A true Queen.

"What do you think I'm doing here? I'm here to take what's mine and fulfill my promise, you know how I don't like to break my promises" as she hears Suliman speak I felt her other hand try to look for my empty wrist but fail. Bringing my hand up to it she grabs hold of it using the same grip as she did on my other hand. It's as if she fears I will vanish if she lets go.

"No you can't do that, you can't take her away, please Suliman"  hearing her say 'she' I got confused because I knew that the only female other then my mum in this place was me, which meant...

"I can and I will, now you better give her to me the easy way or I will have to take her the hard way" he brought his hand from behind his back exposing a gun.

I heard a gasp but I wasn't sure whether it came from me or it came from my mother. Not getting enough time to figure that out I saw her take two steps back causing my body to be completely held captive by her and the car.

"When I say go you will run okay....understood? I love you" hearing her say that it felt as though it was a goodbye, I repeatedly started to shake my head as I begged my mother with my eyes that I couldn't run and leave her.

'I love you' she mouthed as she took a couple of steps forward, my mother no longer holding me. That grip that just seconds ago felt deadly, I would do anything to have that feeling again even if it meant she might bruise my wrist due to the pressure she was using.

"Suliman please I am who you want, not my husband not my daughter please just let them go and I will come with you" confusion started to form its way onto my face, how did my mum know such an evil man? and why did he want her? My mother started to take small steps forward with her hand up as if she was surrendering.

"It's to late for that now, I gave you so much chances but all you did was brush them of and not taking me serious..." before Suliman could say anymore my mother jumped on him causing him to stumble back and fall.

"Go Amal go and never look back...go " although I didn't want to leave her, I could tell that she would be disappointed in me more if I stayed, looking at her, then at the direction she told me to run. I started to run as fast as my tiny legs could take me, every once in a while turning back to look at my mother and her situation.

She was fighting of Suliman as much as she could, however her strength was nothing compared to him as he turned them over and caused her to be captured between him and the ground. She kicked him repeatedly but it's as if she wasn't doing anything.

"If you take another step I will kill her" the moment he said kill my leg stood glued to the ground, no longer being able to go any further. Slowly turning around I saw that he had a gun on her head while he had both her hands over her head.

"Don't listen to him honey, you have to be safe run" although I was so scared that I could feel sweat making it's way onto my hand, my back and also my forehead, from the thought of Suliman hurting me, I felt the same amount of fear or even more that he might kill my mother.

"Please don't hurt her please" I started to take small steps forward when I felt strong arms make their way on my shoulder, quickly turning around I saw a unfamiliar man holding me.

"Let go of me" I started to fight him, but all he did was quickly insert something into my neck when I turned around to look at it, it was a needle, bringing my hand up I tried to feel what damage this needle caused me. But I only felt it when I realised that I no longer had the strength to hold myself up nor keep my eyes open.

It's as if I was being forced to close them shut, turning to look at my mum, I wanted to scream I wanted to call for help, but I just didn't have the strength, whatever was in that needle it was was hitting me real fast.

The last thing that I saw before my eyes completely shutting was Suliman forcing my mother to kiss him, as the gun still remained on her head, however she didn't have any intentions on giving up.

She was a strong Queen a strong mother.

"Good night our Queen" I heard a voice say, deep in the back of my mind but I wasn't sure if it was me hallucinating or it was actually said to me.

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