Chapter twenty six

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Amal's POV.

What did he mean by make this more difficult? If this situation could get anymore difficult I don't know what I would do, what I would feel.

How can he even call himself a Muslim? when he talks so easily about killing another human being, if he didn't get his way. Does he not know what is stated in the Quran about killing an innocent being?

whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. [5:32]

Plus why couldn't he come and say it to my face? Why did he have to hide behind his 'secret' girlfriend? He has the courage to kill innocents but can't face me.

Plus that girlfriend of his, she seriously needs to tone everything she does down because the way she is dressing is not how a true believer should be.

And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, (with their Khimar) and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. [24:31]

But looking at her you can clearly see that she does not care about the word of Allah because she is doing the complete opposite of what this very verse says.

Shaking my head at the thought of Salma, I try to relax myself back onto the bed as I put my hand on my forehead, I didn't want to grow a headache more then the one already throbbing in my head right now.

"The two of them can go and jump over a river for all I care" even though I know that was not entirely true because I would never wish that upon anyone not even my enemy, I still felt the need to say it to help me relax more.

"And who are those two?" Turning around I see Salma standing in front of the door, with the exact outfit as yesterday. Internally rolling my eyes at her I turn my head back and kept on staring at the ceiling.

"If it's about me..." I cut her up before she could even finish her sentence because I was really not in the mood of listening to any of her threats or even her boyfriends threat.

"Please tell me why it is that you are here and then you may leave" I never liked to be rude to anyone, and always liked to treat people the same way that I would like to get treated because as our prophet Mohammed SAW said 'If one has good manners one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their night in prayer.'

"Seems like someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed today" internally rolling my eyes at her my eyes still remained up at the ceiling as I waited for her to say why she was here.

"I was told to bring you downstairs because your uncle the king has arrived" the happiness that I felt once I heard that my uncle has arrived was unexplainable, I quickly sat straight as I tried to get of the bed. However that only ended up causing my ankle pain as I seemed to have forgotten about it for that second.

Quickly biting in the pain I calmed down and tried to slowly make my way to the mirror as I made sure that I was dressed properly to meet an uncle I don't even remember.

Once I was in front of the mirror I stared at the reflection that was staring back at me, I was wearing a long peach dress that covered both my arms and my legs and a scarf with the same colour just a shade lighter, my face looked plain as I wore no make up at all, however my 'beauty' as others usually said was shining.

"Are we going to go or are you going to stare at yourself all day, no matter how long you look at yourself Masin only has eyes for me" looking at her through the reflection I saw her flick her hair from her side as it landed neatly at her back.

"The last thing on my mind right now is to try and catch Masin's attention, you guys can have each other" not bothering to say anything I silently gave myself one final look to see that my scarf was on properly, I slowly made my way back next to the bed, getting the crutches that were given to me earlier during the day I put one under each armpit as I supported myself with it.

"Remember what we talked about yesterday" Salma says as I walked right past her, not bothering to say anything I just carried on walking. However after like a couple of minute of walking I realised that I didn't know where I was walking.

"You might accident snap in half if you keep swaying so forcefully" I said as I turned around and look up at Salma to see her swaying her hips with every step she took, "can you also walk faster?" She seemed extremely offended and embarrassed, because her once pale skin has now turned red.

"Just keep your mouth quiet and follow me" not bothering to stop swaying Salma led the way to where the living room was. From that moment onwards no one spoke a word, there was utter silence and the only thing that could be heard was the tapping noise from our shoes.

Once I saw that Salma was slowing down I also did the same thing, because it shows that we were getting closer to our destination, I didn't realise how nervous I am actually feeling until I realised that the only thing separating me from my blood family is this door.

What if he doesn't like me? What will he say once he knows the truth behind my parents death? What if he blames me for my parents death? Those questions were quickly stopped once we heard Masin's voice from the other side of the room saying for us to come in.

Salma opens the door, as she makes her way in, leaving the door wide open she stands in front of it as she indicates for me to step in, the moment that she entered the room her head instantly went to the ground out of respect to the king.

Walking into the room, I saw that Mariam, Jamal and Jalal were also in the room however the first face that I was meet with was Masin, as he stood tall next to a man who was giving his back to me, the man who I am assuming is my uncle was wearing a red crown on his head, with a red coat that dragged all the way to the ground, the moment Masin said Amal my uncle quickly turns around and faced me.

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