Chapter twenty five

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Amal's POV.

Wait a minute did she just say that Mason will kill my Uncle if I don't agree to marrying him?

"You are insane I don't think Masin will go that low" although I said that their was something in this maids eyes that told me that I wouldn't want to test him, because I might just not like the outcome.

"If that's what you want to think, but let me tell you something Masin is not the same as the old Masin you remember, he is a changed man" I don't even remember the old Masin's personality to know how drastically he has changed.

"But...." however she wouldn't let me finish my sentence as she cut me of to get her words across first.

"No need for any Buts as I said to you, if you disagree your uncles death will be on your hands and also if you ever speak to anyone even him about this conversation his death shall be on your hands" standing up from the bed she starts to remove the blanket that was covering me.

"It is time for your shower"

After the shower I sat on the bed as the maid who told me her name was Salma started to brush my hair, at first I wanted to protest and tell her that I can do it by myself but the way her fingers massaged my scalp, even though I could tell that she didn't want to do it, but had to because it was her job, it still felt good.

"So how long have you and Masin been together?" I was so curious about their relationship although when I was in the shower I forced my self to keep my mouth shut because it didn't concern me, I don't know why my head is so desperate to know.

"For many years but, no one knows" turning my head to look at her I give her a confused look, scrunching my eyebrows I  look up at the ceiling then bring my eyes back to her.

"And why have you guys kept it a secret?" Forcing me to turn my head around, she starts to brush my hair harder which caused me to close my eyes from the pain.

"Don't ask things that are none of your business" just when I was going to open my mouth and say something I heard a knock on the door, "who is it?" I said as I picked up my scarf from next to my leg.

"It's me Masin, can I come in?" Removing my hair from her grip I quickly brought my hair and and started to tie my hair. Salma seemed eager to see him because said "come in" before I even tied my hair properly, turning to look at the door I see the door knob turning.

"No" I screamed so that Masin won't come in but it was to late because within seconds he was standing in front of the door, however I got lucky that I managed to put the scarf on my head with my free hand just in time to cover my hair from him.

"What happened?" Masin says as he stands in front of the door confused, glaring up at Salma I wanted to  scream at her for telling him to come in, just because she doesn't care if he sees her in that state doesn't mean I don't mind.  However I was scared that he was going to side with her, so I just kept quiet and shook my head.

"Remember what I told you" Salma comes closer to my eyes and whispers to me so that only I could hear what she had to say, then she slowly gets up from the bed and wears her shoes before she starts to walk towards the door.

When she got close to the door she stopped beside Masin and she brings her hand slowly towards him, however what he did next surprised me, he moved his hand from her as if her skin was acid. This confused me because she just told me that they were together for years could it be that he is shy in front of  me, internally rolling my eyes at them I look down and stared at my hand.

Why does my heart slightly hurt?

"Amal" hearing Masin's voice I slowly looked up and turned my head to the left so that I could look at his face. Looking at his face I just started to hear the things that Salma said, however something deep inside me tells me that he's not that type of person and he won't kill my family, but at the same time I don't know him that well to trust this feeling.

"Did Salma tell you what will happen tomorrow?" I didn't even have the strength to speak all I did was just nod my head. Once he saw me do that he just stood there and slightly nods his head as well.

We were both quiet waiting for the other person to speak, however with every second that went past and we were quiet the awkwardness became thicker.

"If you are not going to say anything can you go out so I can sleep?" Upon hearing me say that I saw many emotions form themselves within him, he felt sad...hurt and many more. I didn't know why that affected me but without looking for an answer, I internally shook my head and returned to facing my hands that were placed on my thigh.

"Please don't make this more difficult for the both of us then it already is" we're his final words before he left the room, leaving me to over think about the meaning behind his words.

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