Chapter Four

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Unknown's POV.

My legs could hardly carry me, they were shaking like crazy from fear, with every second that went by I could feel myself becoming weaker, knowing that any minute from now I just might fall.

The room that their leader, Masin was in looked so beautiful yet so spooky, looking at it gave you the chills. The room had grey coloured walls and dark grey chairs scattered everywhere, but yet they looked neatly seated.

We carried on forward towards where the windows were and there he was their leader giving us his back as he stared outside the window. One thing that I realised about the people in this village was that they lacked knowledge about other colours other then black or grey.

And here he was Masin wearing black and grey however his long brown hair that was held back with a bun was the only thing that stood out.

"Sir Masin she is here" nodding his head Masin didn't waste any more time as he turns around to get a look at my face, once I got a look at his face I had to stumble back a little due to the beauty that he possessed.

The moment he turned around to look at me two captivating green eyes pierced right through me, he stood in his spot for a couple of minutes just staring at me, his eyes roaming my body. Looking at his face there was an emotion on it that was difficult to see due to the distant that was between us, In those seconds I wished I was capable of reading his mind to find out what he was thinking.

He didn't say anything as he slowly strolled towards me his piercing eyes not once leaving mine, I wanted to look down, to look away!anywhere but at him due to the fear that he caused me to possess however I didn't want to show him the fear he has over me nor did I want to anger him by looking away.

"What is your name?"he finally spoke, his voice so deep that it radiates deep inside my bone.

"I...I...I don't know" I say as I look down at my hands that were in front of my lap.

"Don't you dare lie to me I do not tolerate liars" he raised his voice just slightly however all my body could do was react by flinching.

"I...I...I'm not lying, please believe me" I could feel myself fighting to hold my tears back, I felt so weak so pathetic in this room filled with three intimidating men.

"Do you think that crying will help you in this situation?" He brought his hand and tightly grabbed my cheeks forcing me to look at him to stare deep in his green eyes.

The first second our eyes met and he saw the fear that I had I saw a hint of guilt in his eyes, but before I could even make sure that it was actually there or was I just imagining it, it was gone.

Slightly shaking my head I closed my eyes as I felt the first tear trail down my cheeks as it made it down to Masin's thumb.

"I will ask you one more time, who are you? and who told you to come here? Was it Suliman?"  That name again why do I feel a sudden fear when I hear it?

"Honest to God I am not lying, please believe me, the only thing I remember is waking up in those woods." I say as many tears make there way down my cheeks, for a second there I nearly thought that he believed me as his facial expression slightly softened and so did his grip. However just as fast as they came they disappeared.

"I know people like you, the most innocent looking ones are the ones who betray you the most" looking into his eyes I saw pain in them as if that is what happened to him. All I wanted to do was pull him into a hug as I try to take all the pain he was feeling.

Mentally shaking my head I try to remove that thought, how can I be thinking of such a thing, to a man who I should be fearing, to a man with just a click of his finger can have me laying on this exact same concrete motionless.

"Please just let me go and you will never have to see my face again" hearing me say that, he closed his eyes as he chuckles.

"That shall not happen you have entered my land and until I know who you are you will not leave" but who knows when will I get my memory back, what if I don't ever get it, then what?

"Please I swear I mean no harm I..." he silenced me before I could finish my sentence by tightening his fingers on my cheeks, the pain that he caused me forced the sob that I was holding in to escape my lips.

"That is what they also say before they stab you on the back" he stood there staring behind me, as his grip on my face tightened, I wanted to tell him he's hurting me but I was scared he'll hurt me more so all I did was bite my lips to suppress me from saying anything.

"Take her to the dungeons" he says once our eyes met, not wasting any more time with me he slightly pushed me away however due to me being hungry I felt so light headed so I ended up tripping and nearly falling.

When Masin saw that I saw something that looked like fear on his face as he quickly wraps his hands around my waste to stop me from falling.

We stood like that staring at each other for what felt like a minute before he cleared his throat, masked his face and quickly let go of me. I was still dazed by what just happened, my whole body felt tingles just because of his one hand.

"Take her to the dungeon and make her speak the truth"  not bothering with me he turns around and walks back to where he was before we walked in.

"Please I swear I am speaking the truth you have to believe me please" I say as I felt myself once again being dragged out of the room, Masin not once turning to look at me.

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