Chapter Twelve

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Amal's POV.

"How many times did I tell you that you will regret it if you defy me?" Mr Hussein said as he tied my hands and legs at the opposite ends of the table.

"Please I won't defy you again I didn't mean to" I started shaking my head and body as I tried to loosen his grips on me, but it was no use because I was almost completely tied up as he had only one leg left to tie down and then I will be completely at his mercy.

"It's to late my beautiful Amal, I gave you so many chances but yet you had to defy me, how many times have I told you that you are mine, you belong to me. You will do everything I say to you because I am your owner" although I disagreed with everything he was saying I repeatedly nodded my head, hoping that he would change his mind in whatever cruel punishment he had in store for me.

"Yes Sir I belong to you just please forgive me and I will never do it again please" but all he did was shake his head, he wasn't buying it even though I was crying, my eyes were puffy and red. But Mr Hussein was a cold hearted bastard nothing could swayed his heart nor soften it.

"It's to late so shut that sweet mouth of yours and let me concentrate unless you want me to cause you more pain" shaking my head my pleading started to die down as all I could do was beg him with my eyes.

Once I was completely tied down he started to roll the table towards the fire place, that he had located on the opposite end of the window. Coming up to me he grabbed the collar of my dress and ripped it so that now I lay on the table with my left shoulder exposed to Mr Hussein.

"Please don't look at me" no matter how hard I tried to cover myself it was impossible due to being tied down.

My eyes widened as I saw what he was going to pick up, the thought of me trying to cover myself instantly flew out the window as I felt terror make its way into me once I saw Mr Hussein pick up one of the three small silver sticks that have been in the fire for god knows how long. When he lifted up the stick I unintentionally took a big gulp, once I saw how thick the bottom end of the stick was and red due to the heat.

He tilted it up and looked at it but immediately put it down, when I saw that I released a breath that I never realised I was holding in to only hold it once again as he grabbed the other one, next to it. He did the same thing as he did for the first one but this time when he saw it he didn't return it back but in fact turned around to face me as a smirk made its way onto his face.

"You will feel a slight sting... oh who am I kidding you feel like hell, but that's not even the worst part" quickly moving my eyes from the bottom of the stick, I bring it up to his face as the panic I was feeling started to quickly suffocate me.

"Because you'll be feeling it three times" he turns his head around as he looks at the other two sticks that were still in the fire.

"Please..." but before I could speak anymore he took the end of my scarf and sticks it inside my mouth, causing my words to come out muffled.

"Here so you don't bite your tongue in the process"  all I could do at that moment was shake my head, since I couldn't move nor speak.

"You better relax because you might cause me to get the wrong spot meaning I'll have to do it again" I opened my eyes so wide as my brain still tried to process what it heard, how can someone be so cruel? was the last thought that went through my mind as I forced my body to stop moving.

"That's a good girl now let's begin"  due to the speed in which my heart was beating I was surprised it didn't break through my chest. Since I tilted my head to the opposite direction of Mr Hussein I didn't know what he was doing until I felt an excruciating pain make its way on to my left collar bone.

If my scarf wasn't in my mouth I knew that everyone in the mansion would have heard my screams, because although that metal stick didn't last long on my skin, as Mr Hussein removed it I still didn't stop screaming as my screams became even louder and painful as he located  the second and third one right next to each other.

I screamed so hard that I knew I was going to lose my voice at the end of this punishment, but that wasn't the only thing I was going to lose because as I was scream I felt dark circles slowly start to fill in my eye sight making my vision weaken, but I didn't mind it because that meant I would be put out of this misery even if it is for a little while.

I quickly welcomed the darkness that was slowly making its way into my vision, turning around one last time I looked at Mr Hussein is evil smirk being the last thing I saw as darkness consumed me.

Taking a deep breath in I mentally shake my head as I try to remove the memory from my mind, Once it was locked away at the back of my mind I opened my eyes and starred at my reflection.

After I finished taking a shower, a maid come in and gave me this elegant long purple dress that had a matching scarf. Bringing my hand up I pulled my dress slightly so that I could see the mark that had been inflicted on me, looking at it through the reflection of the mirror it stood so clear on my collar bone, in clear writing it said.

Property of S.H.

"Sir Hussein" I unintentionally whispered, I stood their staring at it, every once in a while rubbing it with my finger, hoping that I could rub it of. However as I felt someone's present in the room I quickly let go of my dress as my permanent scars once again hide underneath my dress.

"Yes" I say once I saw a petite young women standing next to the door, I could tell she was nervous because she tried to look anywhere but at my face.

"Ma'am it's time to go down for dinner"

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