Chapter Eighteen

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Amal's POV.

Although I thought it was going to be hard to escape the castle that I was in, it was in fact very simple since no one knew who I was everyone assumed I was just a maid.

As I was trying to find a way out I stumbled upon two maids making their way to a big door, I quickly took a couple of steps back and hid behind the wall, I couldn't allow these girls to see me just in case they were one of the girls who saw me earlier.

Once they opened the door their were two guards next to the door who instantly put their weapons in front of the door blocking the maids from exiting.

"Why are you out?" The male voice said as he still had his weapon in front of the door, at first I thought I would hear fear come from the maids but they sounded so calm.

"Tomorrow is our day off and we are going to our houses" without any other words the guards moved their weapons and allowed the girls out, seconds later the door closes behind them. The whole time I was trying to look for a way out and just when I was losing hope I see this scene in front of me.

Slowly walking towards the door I made sure to cover myself without making myself look suspicious. Bringing my hand up I was about to knock the door when I realised that the maids had just opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Opening the door the same thing that happened to the girls happened to me the two guards put their weapons in front of me.

"I am going to my house because tomorrow is day of" I hoped that even though I stuttered they will still believe me. And just like that without hesitation the weapons were moved from in front of me as I made sure to close the door behind me.

The first step I took out I felt the cold breeze hit my face causing every hair on my face to stand up. It was a beautiful night the moon in the sky was so bright as the stars sparkles ever so gently on the dark blue sky. The sky was so clear, their wasn't a cloud in sight as if it was sucked away with the sun.

Not knowing where I was going I just wanted to make sure I was out of this town before anyone spotted that I had disappeared. And the quickest way to do that was to go into the forest. Although I was scared going into the dark forest alone I was more scared of what Masin would do to me.

Once I saw how close I was getting to the forest I felt myself walking quickly until I started running. The only thing that was going through my mind was the faster I got inside the forest the less likely someone will see me.

Once I took the first step into the forest I started to slow my paste, I could finally calm down without getting scared that someone will see me. All I had to do now was make sure that no one saw me within the woods, that was going to be easy because I could hid behind the trees if I felt as though someone was behind me.

Reality hit me once I started to figure out which way I wanted to go. I didn't really have a specific location because I don't even remember where I came from or where my other family members are.

Shaking my head I knew that anywhere was better then here. Taking a deep breath I started to walk straight, the night was so cool I didn't realise how windy it was until all I could hear in the nights silence was the leaves swaying left and right. Just hearing that noise made me feel so calm and relaxed.

Knowing that it was only me and the beautiful night.

I don't know for how long I was walking but all I could say was that my legs could no longer carry me, I needed to take a rest, but where I did not know.

"I'm such an idiot" I whispered to myself, I should have brought a bottle of water with me, and even a piece of bread so that I could have the strength to go further.

Now the memory of the dinner that I just had not long ago started to play in my head I shouldn't have left half my meal I should have forced myself to eat it all.

I should have listened to Masin and ate it, speaking of Masin I wonder what he is doing now he's probably very anger and is getting everyone to look for me, so that he can torture me once I'm there.

As I was deep in thought I felt something touch my foot, something was slithering over my foot causing the skin underneath to become stiff. The moment I looked down I instantly regretted it because there on my foot was a snake, it wasn't a big one but still in my eyes a snake was a snake. Out of nowhere a ear piercing scream was heard, at first I didn't know where it was coming from until I felt myself run out of breath.

Not knowing what to do I froze in my spot, once I realised that the scream was coming from me I brought my hand causing my screams to be muffled. I had to find a way to escape this snake before it bites me.

"Who's there?" Suddenly I heard a male voice say, not wanting to get caught I needed to leave before the man comes any closer. Suddenly without thinking I quickly brought my leg up and caused the snake to go flying into the distance, not bothering to look around anymore I started to quickly run.

"Hey you there stop" that same voice said but this time that voice was even closer, looking behind me I carried on running in hopes that I won't see him and that I would be capable of outrun him.

But there in the distance I can see a mans face although it was dark the only way that I actually saw him was because he had a wooden stick that had fire at the end of it.

Stepping up my speed every once in a while I will look back to see if I was getting further or not. When I realised that he was still far away I turned around only to find myself stepping on a small hole which caused me to twist my leg and roll down the small like hill.

I felt excruciating pain on my ankle, that little twist must have caused me to fracture a bone. But that was my least concern because now I was rolling down and there was no way in stopping it until I got to the bottom, and only God knew what was at the other end.

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