Chapter forty seven

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Masins POV.

"Doctor how are the girls?" I didn't even wait for him to finish checking them up before I asked him, I prayed that it wasn't to serious. However both Amal and Ayah have been unconscious for the past twenty four hours and that was not making me feel any better.

"Don't worry, Inn Sha allah they will both wake up soon, however how long until they wake up I'm not sure, because they both got hit hard on their head during the accident." He started to write on his note book for a bit before he puts it back in his pocket.

"However as I said before Amal seems to be in a more critical condition because it looks like before the accident she was hit as well" upon hearing that I clenched my fists even tighter.

"What do you want from Amal? Why did you specifically come to kidnap her?" I was inside the cell that we kept Suliman, he was tied up from his neck up to the ceiling as his hands remained tied behind his back.

"I did not kidnap Amal I kidnapped Layla, and when I get out I will take what is mine" he still remained speaking nonsense after all the beating that he received from me and my guards.

"She is not Layla she is Amal, my wife and you will never be able to see her again, or even get out of this cell and if you did it will be horizontal" upon hearing me say that he started to laugh, even though blood was coming out of his mouth and he could hardly open his eyes he still had the strength to laugh.

Before I could even hit him again Yusuf came and punched him in the face. "Why did you keep kidnapping Ayah, what has she ever done to you?" I knew exactly how he felt so when I saw him repeatedly punching Suliman I just stood back and remained watching because all that he was getting he deserved it.

"Her she was just a beautiful looking puppet, did not want to lose another special diamond when all I had in that mansion was pebbles" this time I punched him straight on his face which I knew would have broke his nose.

"You better have not laid your filthy hands on my sister or I swear your death will be slow" it's like our threats were nothing to him because yet he still remained laughing as if he did not fear death.

"That is for you to ask her but might i say we all enjoyed her" Yusuf turns around and gets a knife that was outside the cell, he came marching into the cell and was about to stab him in the heart.

"Like this his death will be fast he needs to pay" was all I said to Yusuf as I grabbed hold of his hand, he flicked my hand away from him as he went and started to slowly cut his face and slowly making his way down.

The cut was not deep to kill him but it was enough to cause Suliman to scream in pain.

"This is for kidnapping my Ayah, this is for Amal, this is for laying your hands on them" with every time he said their names he cut him in another place.

"Do you think this will be enough for the pain that they have went through?" Was Sulimans response once Yusuf stopped cutting him.

"She was crying, every time me and my men came she would shed tears, but then she realised that those tears were not going to rescue her nor was her Yusuf as she liked to cry out to" I knew he was right I knew that Ayah was in their for years meaning that she felt more than what he felt within those hours of torture that he was going through.

"Don't worry you will be here for years every day being tortured until you wished that death will come and take you however you will never get it because we will make sure"

"Brother, brother" getting out of memory lane, I saw that Mariam was here she had a basket of food in her hand, just like she said she would since me and Yusuf have not eaten since yesterday.

"I told you I do not want to eat" I walked up to the seat next to Amal's bed and grabbed hold of her hand, I squeezed it tight in hopes that she feels it and wakes up. Looking up I saw that Yusuf was doing the same thing however he was crying as he remained staring at Ayah hoping that she wakes up.

"You both have to eat I know that both Amal and Ayah would not like to see you like this when they wake up." She took out a sandwich from inside the basket and gave it to me, I tried to shake my head but she was not taking no for an answer.

She walked up to Yusuf and did the same thing when he tried to disagree. She stood their staring at us until we took our first bite. I had no appetite at all, I was just forcing myself to eat because I knew that Mariam was not going to let us take another step without eating.

Once we finished our sandwiches she gave us water and went and sat down back on the chair next to the door. I knew she was hurting but she was trying to be strong in front of us.

This is the first time she has seen her twin since she was a child, and she is unconscious. We were all silently sitting down in our own train of thoughts until we heard a noise.

Looking down I thought it was Amal however when Yusuf screamed out Ayahs name I knew who it was.

"Oh baby you are awake oh Alhamdullilah" he started to kiss her hands repeatedly.

"Doctor!!" Mariam opened the door and screamed out before she ran back inside and quickly made her way back to Ayah and so did I.

"Yusuf" were the first words that came out of her mouth, all he did was nod and tell her to remain laying down because she tried to get up.

"Mariam? Masin?" She called our names when she saw us, all we did was nod. I was speechless I did not know what I was meant to say because I never expected this day to come, I hoped but never knew that my wishes will come true.

"Amal...where's Amal please say she escaped from that monster?" Moving to the side we told her that she was safe and that she was sleeping on the other bed next to her. She slowly turned her head to look at her sleeping peacefully and when she realised that she was safe I could see she slowly started to relax.

"Good to see that you are awake Ayah" the doctor spoke as he started to walk closer to her, we moved away so that we can give him space to check her.

As he was checking her so many emotions were running through me I was so happy to finally have my sister next to me but than I was sad because Amal still has not waken up.

"Everything seems fine with you, however you will just have to stay here for a couple of days just to see if there will be any changes in your progress" we all nodded our head and as he was about to walk out I asked him about Amal and why she was not up.

"Since she was badly injured in comparison to Ayah it might take her a while before she wakes up, just be patient Masin"

A/N: again I apologise for all the grammar mistakes as I wrote this chapter on the bus,I will fix day.... for now enjoy,comment and also like.

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