Chapter Nine

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Amal's POV.

"Do you think you are better then us because your status was higher then us?" Amna one of the maids says as she stood next to her friend, they were standing in front of me blocking my way, before I could answer their question she spoke once again.

"Well let me tell you something we are all maids at the end of the day whether you like it or not, you may be getting special treatment by Mr Hussein but you are still a maid" on the last three words Amna poked her finger on my chest with every passing word.

Her fingers were so hard that they were causing me pain, with every poke.

"You must really like the special treatment"Amna says, as the two girls walk away, the moment she said those words a shudder ran down my spine, I would rather be a normal maid treated the way they are being treated other then the way I am treated now, however I know he will never let me be like the ordinary maids because I am a Qu....

Before I could even finish my thought I remembered that I was running late for Mr Hussein's coffee, which is starting to cool down, that is going to be a bad start to my morning.

I quickly made my way towards his room, as fast as my tiny legs could carry me. Every once in a while I could feel the coffee about to tip from my unintentional speed as I start to reduce it. Once I was in front of the door I knocked at it acouple of times so that I could be heard.

"Come in" upon hearing that I quickly opened the door and made my way towards Mr Hussein, although I've been here for God knows how long, every time I see him I still tend to have the same reaction.


Walking up to him I could feel the tray slightly shaking in front of me, however I had to mask my fear with confidence because I know he likes to use every weakness of mine against me.

"Your coffee Sir" I bent a little so that the coffee was in the same level as him.

"About time" he takes the coffee and not wasting anymore time he starts to drink from it, I was just hoping that it wasn't cold, however seeing him take a sip from it the second time and still not say anything I felt the tension within me start to relax.

We were in utter silence the whole time he was drinking, I was standing next to him my hand in front of me and my head down, a posture that was drilled into my head among other things from the first day I was forcefully brought here.

That day was the worst day of my life, although I have endured so much physical pain during my stay here, the emotional pain that I felt that day has until this day been unbeatable.

Mentally shaking the thought out of my head, I didn't want to start tearing up and getting another punishment.

"Why was my coffee cool?" Once those words escaped Mr Hussein's lips I instantly choked on my saliva causing me to repeatedly cough.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know why that is" although I would have loved to say it was all Amna's fault I knew that her punishment would be worse then mine.

Mr Hussein might love to punishes me however he doesn't allow anyone else in this mansion to lay a finger on me, that is why everyone loathes me.

"You seem to never know anything" Mr Hussein stood up and turned to look at me, he had brown hair and brown eyes, there was nothing really special about his appearance to me however all the other girls seem to drool whenever they see or think about him.

"I'm sorry sir" was the only thing that I could muster up at that point, as I saw him taking steps towards me. With every step he took forward I took two back, I could see amusement in his eyes from the action that I have just done.

"Do you think being sorry is enough?" He tilted his head slightly to the left as he carried on walking towards me, nodding my head I knew it was the wrong answer but I still couldn't bring myself to ask for the punishment I didn't want.

"Well I don't" Mr Hussein always found the tiniest mistake done by me just so he can punishment as he said to me one day 'that is my favourite time of the day' so I knew how much he enjoys seeing the fear in my eyes, the stuttering in my voice among other things.

"I'm sorry please..." before I could finish my sentence I felt myself fall on something soft and warm, I knew that it was his bed. Not wasting anytime I lift one of my hands up and grab the bottom of my scarf to cover my chest from him.

"How many times do I have to say this, never cover what is mine, and since I own you every inch of you belongs to me, understood?" He took both of my hands lifting it up above my head, his sudden movement caused the tray that was in my hand to fall on the ground.

"Understood?" He tightened his grip around my wrist once I didn't reply the first time, I could feel his nails digging into my skin. He stared into my eyes not once looking away, it's as if he was daring me to defy him.

I did exactly what happened all the time and accepted defeat because there was no use in fighting him.

"That's my good girl" he says as he bends down towards me slowly, I knew what he wanted to do and I also knew what I was taught to do however something inside of me gained power as I tilted my head to the side causing his lips to land on my scarf.

"Please I beg you, no more" but Mr Hussein didn't listen, I felt him roaming his hand around my body, when his hands would touch places I didn't like I felt my body tense as tears started to make their way down my cheeks.

"Please, I can't take it anymore" I suddenly jump up not bothering to open my eyes, hitting something warm in the process I wrap my hands around it.

"Please no more" I said as I snuggled deeper, for some reason I felt the feeling of warmth and safety force it's way into me, something I wasn't accustomed to. taking a big inhale a scent that I knew I could get addicted to if I smelt it much longer filled my nostrils.

Once my whole body relax, my senses finally came back to me as I quickly let go of whoever I had my hands wrapped around, looking up to see the face of the warm body I was shocked to be met with green breath taking eyes that belonged to no other then.


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