Chapter Thirteen

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Amal's POV.

The corridor from our room to the dining room was extremely long and awkward as the maid who I found out her name was Lina only replied to what I asked, keeping our conversation short and simple.

Giving up on trying to talk to her I started to look around for a way out, but looking out the window I could see that I was not in the ground level which made it difficult to escape through the window.

Deep in thought of trying to escape I didn't realised that Lina had stopped as I bumped into her.

"I'm sorry" I say repeatedly as I bow my head slightly, I felt panic rise inside me as the thought of getting punished made its way into my head, I didn't know why I was feeling like that since she was the maid. It's as if this was something my body was taught probably due to my time with sir Hussein.

How long was I there for?

"No I should have been more careful ma'am" although she said that I saw surprise in her face as she saw how nervous I was when I apologised.

Looking up I saw that she stood in front of a big door, nodding her head she starts to open the door. I waited patiently for her to tell me to come in, however she didn't she just stood next to the door waiting.

Clearing my throat I took one deep breath and walked through the door once I was in the room I was met with full colours. There was a big window on the opposite end and a long dining table that was accompanied by three people.

All three heads turned around to look at me, I knew two of them which were Jalal and Masin but I didn't know the girl was but when she looked at me I could tell she knew me because her face instantly lit up as she got up from the chair and quickly made her way to me.

"Amal oh my god it really is you" she started to run to me as she quickly hugged me causing us both to stumble back because I wasn't expecting it. How did she even know me when I clearly don't know her?

"You don't remember me?" I saw sadness fill her face once she saw my confusion, slowly shaking my head I tried to kindly remove her hands from around me.

"It's me Marian, remember we use to play together when we were kids" I still couldn't recall seeing her anywhere, it was just like Masin I cant seem to ever recall meeting him before. I stood staring at her blankly as she waited for my reply.

"Marian I told you she doesn't seem to remember anything of her past" Masin gets up and makes his way towards me, all I could do when Masin made his way towards me was stare at him, he was like a walking masterpiece, which I could never get enough of it.

Once he stood in front of me I took a step back still not getting used to his closeness, he saw what I did but brushed it of. He slowly took my appearance in from the tip of my scarf to the hem of my dress, I was starting to feel uncomfortable as I brought my hand in front of my dress trying to smooth it down.

I didn't know why I cared what he thought about me  but I wished I could read his mind at this exact moment as he stared at me, his eyes were shining as he stared at me, when he realised how he was making me feel he cleared his throat and told us to have a seat since dinner has been served.

Turning around he started to walk towards the dining room table, as I followed him quietly. Marian quickly made her way to her seat which was next to Jalal.

Once seeing her sit their again everything clicked, she was the Marian Jalal was talking about to his brother.

I thought that Masin was going to sit down on his seat but he went to the empty seat next to him and pulled the chair out, indicating for me to sit. Slightly nodding my head I nervously made my way towards him.

"You look astonishing" he whispered into my ears before I sat down so that it was only heard by me, the butterflies that I have been feeling in my stomach every time I see him started to swirl like crazy in my stomach causing my cheeks to turn crimson. I quickly sat down and looked anywhere but at his face.

"Are you okay you look flushed" Marian says as concern makes its way onto her face, once those words came out everyone's eyes were on me, even Masin's.

"I'm fine" bringing my hands up to my cheeks I tried to cool them down, looking up at Masin with the corner of my eyes I saw a smirk form it's way onto his face.

Looking up at her I force a smile hoping that she would drop the topic, which she kindly did. Turning my eyes slightly to the left I see Jalal sitting their staring at me, I instantly dropped my hand and tightly gripped my dress. The same person that just hours ago was punishing me is now sitting in the same table as me having dinner.

"Hi" he awkwardly says as he scratches the back of his head, not saying anything I just stared at him blankly as memories of what he did to me made its way into my mind.

"I know you must hate me for what I did but I only did it because I thought you worked for the enemy, I do apologise" although to him it made perfect sense, my feelings towards him still didn't change. I still felt pain in every inch of my body as if I was still getting whipped now.

Slightly nodding my head I was scared that if I spoke I would say something that will anger him causing me to go back into that room which terrified me.

Not wasting anymore time they all dug into their food, looking down I saw that the plate had rice salad and chicken, although I was hungry I suddenly didn't have an appetite.

"Are you not going to eat" Masin asks, I shook my head as I shakily lifted up the spoon, I needed to eat so that I would have the energy to escape.

However moment that first bite made its way into my mouth all thoughts of escaped vanished from my mind as a small moan escaped my mouth at how delicious this meal was.

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