Chapter seventeen

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Amal's POV.

"My parents" the moment those words left my mouth, everyone in the room that had been sitting quickly stood up from their chair as their hands violently made contact with the table. Their sudden actions caused me to cower away from their glares, as I used my scarf to cover my face as much as possible.

Looking directly at my hands, I waited for the upcoming actions, I knew how much they loved my parents from the way they were speaking about them just minutes ago, and for them to hear I killed them I knew they saw me as the bad person.

"You killed the king and Queen?" Masin said, I could tell that he was furious without even looking at his face , the sudden change in the tone of his voice, showed how his feelings quickly changed from worry to anger.

"I didn't mean to, I swear it wasn't my fault, I couldn't help it." I nervously spoke, although I knew what I said didn't make sense I just needed to get my message through in anyway possible. I still remained fiddling with my fingers, although I wanted them to see it in my point of view, I also knew that I deserved any punishment that they wanted. I killed their King and Queen, my parents, however saying that I deserved the punishment that they had in store for me didn't mean that it prepared me and made me feel less scared in what else this already whipped body of mine has to encounter. 

"What you mean it wasn't your fault you murdered your parents" marian starts to shout, although I didn't look up at them I knew that Jalal had his hand wrapped around her because I could hear him whispering something's which cause Marian to lower her voice until she went completely silent. I didn't blame her though she has every right to be, heck I was the one who did it but yet I'm still angry, I didn't know whether I was angry more at Suliman for putting that trap their or at me, for blindly falling for it.

"Yes you are right Marian but..." before Masin could finish of his sentence their was a knock on the door, the door remained closed until Masin told whoever knocked the door to come in.

Only seconds after Masin spoke the door slowly opened as we were met with Jamal's head. It's as if Jamal knew exactly when he was needed. He turns around looks at everyone in the room nodding as his eyes made contact with them. He started from his brother then Marian and when his eyes finally met mine he stared at me a bit longer then the past two, those eyes that usually held nothing but lust when they made contact with me now held guilt. I couldn't believe what I saw so I tried to stare back at his eyes to only see that he has bowed and had now faced his attention once again to Masin.

"Masin may I speak to you outside please" Masin didn't say anything to Jamal as he turned around and looked at me. I felt so uncomfortable staring into Masin's eyes, however I did feel weird that if I broke our glance I would get in trouble, slowly moving wiggling in my seat our eyes stayed locked for what felt like eternity until he was the first to break it. Turning around to Jamal he nods his head and walks towards the door.

When Masin and Jamal left the room it was utter silence, a pin could be heard if it fell on the ground, even Marian who had such a lively and energetic energy was quiet, slowly looking up at her I could see that she was staring at me however she was deep in thought. Looking at Jalal, he was slowly playing with Marians hair telling her that it everything was going to be alright, every once in a while he will turn around and glare at me.

Sitting in silence in the dining room the awkwardness was so thick that it would not have been able to be cut with a knife. Thinking of how to get myself out of this situations an idea quickly made its way onto my head.

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