Chapter fourteen

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Amal's POV.

I thought that dinner was going to be awkward as everyone sat quietly however, it was the complete opposite as Masin and Marian repeatedly spoke about the times we spent together. They hoped that by talking about it that I would remember however, I couldn't even recall one of the memories that they spoke of.

Marian looked a lot like her brother, she had the same green eyes as he did just a shade lighter, her hair was the same colour yet much longer as it hung just below her breast. She had a smile that brightened the room especially when her laugh followed after, I could tell why Jalal was in love with her, and to top it of her kindness was the cherry on top.

Shaking my head at that thought I couldn't be thinking like that, I shouldn't even be getting attached to them, I will leave them soon.

Also you never know, she might be just like her brother, personality wise, since she seemed to have all his traits. He said he would never hurt me, yet I'm sitting here with fresh marks on my skin.

"Still nothing" Marian whines as she leans back on the chair frustrated, I internally roll my eyes because I didn't really tell her that I wanted to know any of the stuff that they told me. Although I really do want to know about my past, I didn't want someone forcing themselves to.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude it's just we are trying so hard to find out what happened to you, but we are getting nothing" both Masin and Jalal nod their head, although Jalal looked disinterested throughout the whole time they were speaking, I saw him look at me once in a while with the corner of his eyes to see my reaction.

"You know I went back to your castle to see you, but I was met with uncle Ali and when I asked him where everyone was, he told me that you and your parents got invited to a friends for dinner. However when they contacted that friend he said that you guys never made it." Everyone went silent as they stared at me hoping that I would tell them something, but all I did was stare back at Masin hoping that he would carry on.

"Then days later it was said that your parents bodies were found hanging of a tree somewhere near Burgaz" hearing him say that last word my eyes widen as I asked him to repeat what he said again.

"Burgaz why..." just as I was going to open my mouth and say something I felt a tsunami of memories force its way into my mind.

"Father are we nearly at Burgaz, please say Burgax is near, Burgaz where are you?" I have been repeatedly whining throughout most of the drive to Burgas. Although I enjoy going there because Madina and Ahmed were there, we have been driving for what felt like hours and I just want it to be over. All my father would say is 'nearly' but how close was nearly only Allah knows.

"Honey how about we play eye spy" my mother said, rolling my eyes at what she said I faced the window as I let the wind blow on my face and scarf. My father had all four windows open due to how humid it was outside, and if the window was closed we were bound to suffocate.

"Mother, you know that I'm not a child anymore, I'm fifteen" I say as I turn back and look at her. Looking at my mother I always see myself In her, we had the same features; same eye colour same body features however, the only difference was I had my fathers hair colour.

"No matter how old you get you will still be my sweet little princess" my mother puts her hand on my tiara as she slowly brings her hand down to my cheeks. Grabbing her hands with mine I turn my head slightly as I kiss the inner of her palm.

"One day she will be a Queen, a magnificent one that is" I instantly started to giggle, my father always spoke of me being a Queen, I don't know if I could really do it but he believes in me and that is all that matters for now.

"We just have to wait for her knight and shining armour to come back" hearing my mother say those words I quickly faced the window so that she didn't see the blush that had started to form on my cheeks.

Inhaling a deep breath I let it out with a sigh, I really did miss him, it's been nearly three years that I haven't seen him. Father always tells me that he is fine but that doesn't help fill the emptiness in my heart.

"By the way speaking of your knight and shining armour, a surprise will be waiting for you back at the castle" once my dad finished speaking I filled in the blanks quickly as a shriek escapes my lips.

"Are you serious?" I quickly pull myself towards my parents and look at them repeatedly hoping that what I heard wasn't a joke.

"Yes Mas...ouch" my father suddenly says as he brings his hand up to his neck totally forgetting what he was just speaking about seconds ago.

Me and my mother quickly look at each other with concern on our face than face my father and ask him what was the matter, my father didn't say anything however we saw how quickly he was starting to doze of. Once my father realised what was going on, he used all his strength to cause the car to come to a complete stop, in the middle of the road. That sudden action forced me to slightly go forward, but thank Allah I had my seatbelt on or I would have been outside the car by now.

"Run...." was the last think my father said, as his head hit violently hit the steering while, the honk of the car caused me and my mother to scream. My mother quickly moved fathers car so that he didn't give us any unwanted attention. Were so confused and worried in what had just happened, we didn't know what was going on or what even happened to father, but there was no time to ask as we did exactly what he said.

"We have to take your father and hide, quickly" my mother says as she takes of her seat belt and starts to exit the car I did exactly what I was told, once we got to my fathers door we opened it but before we could do anything we heard a voice behind us say.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

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