Chapter Five

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Unknown's POV.

"I swear peasant if you don't shut up i will slit your throat right here and right now" upon hearing that my lips instantly connected with each other causing my sound to slowly die out.

"That's what I thought" Jalal says as he starts to open a door with his keys, for the past couple of minutes ever since I left Masin's room all I was doing was begging them to let me go. However none of them seemed to want to listen, but the moment I start to raise my voice and my pleadings became annoying, they repeatedly ordered me to shut my mouth.

Once Jalal opens the door, the room that we went in was very dark I had to squint my eyes before entering it so that I could see better, also I could see stairs right in front of the door which lead down to darkness.

"Please" I turn around to look at Jamal, not looking at me he started to walk in and pull me after him I tried to use all my strength to stand my ground but Jamal didn't even flinch, he carried on walking as if I was doing nothing. The moment I knew that if I didn't walk I was going to fall down the stairs, was the moment I forced myself to take that first step.

"If you keep on begging me for no reason I will give you a reason to beg and trust me it'll be a different type of begging" he turns around at me as he winks, looking down from his face I starred at the stairs not wanting myself to fall down and get hurt.

Once we were in the bottom of the stairs I saw fire hanged on the side of the wall being the only form of light in this room.

Turning to look to my left I saw two big cells which were both empty. Am I the only prisoner? Or do they have another place for them?

Jalal walks up to the first cell then starts to play with the lock until he opens the door, he pushes the door so that now the door was wide open as they both stare at me waiting for me to get in.

Taking one last gulp I took the first step followed by many more until I felt myself stop due to the rope wrapped on my wrists.

The two twins looked at each other and it's as if they spoke their own silent language they both nod then start to move, Jamal walks towards me while Jalal goes outside.

Again I tried to do what we did before with ever step forward I took one back, however it seems as though he didn't want to play that game because he held onto the rope tightly.

"Maybe later on when it's me and you we can play this game but now it's time for you to speak the truth" he says as he lifts the rope up and due to his height he stuck the rope in between the metal without a struggle.

"But I am" he nods his head sarcastically as if he agrees with me, but I knew he didn't because he kept on pulling the rope up until I was forced to stand on my toes with my hand up in the air.

"Please stop it hurts" my wrists felt as though they were burning because of the way the rope was repeatedly digging into my skin.

"Trust me it will, if you keep lying" shaking my head I tried to protest that indeed I wasn't lying, but he ignored me, once he finished tying the rope he slowly guided his fingers down my arms every place he touched felt as if though he was pouring acid into my skin, I wanted his filthy hands of me, but I couldn't do anything I could only plead.

Once I felt his hand make its way onto my shoulders I started to panic, but that only made him smirk more when he saw the fear that he was inflicting on me. Keeping my eyes on him I silently begged him to stop which caused me not to feel his actions until my coat was completely removed, the only reason I knew that was because I heard it fall on the ground.

The moment That Jamal saw what I was wearing, a peach coloured dress, he instantly stopped what he was doing as he took a few steps back to see it properly. At first confusion was written all over his face then humour.

"Jalal come see what this peasant is wearing" the way he said peasant this time sounded even more lower then all the other times. Jalal didn't waste anytime as he came into the cell with one whip in his hand. He to had the same expression on his face like his brother.

"Where did you steal that from because one thing I know is that it doesn't belong to a peasant like you but in fact a queen, your highness" they both said the two last words together as if to mock me.

"Come on Jamal let's do this quickly because it's nearly 7pm and I have to go somewhere" Jamal gave his brother a confused look, but Jalal didn't say anything he just walked back outside to carry on with what he was doing.

Jamal shakes his head as he walks closer to me this time his hands going up to remove my scarf, shaking my head around I made it difficult for him to find where the end was so that he can unwrap it.

"Don't please" But due to Jamal already being angry he tightly grabbed a handful of my scarf as he forced me to face him, the longer he had me in that grip the more difficult it became to breath.

"I swear if you anger me, you would not like what I could do to you, I won't kill you like Jalal would," but I will torture you so everyday you will beg for death but I will not give it to you" he forcefully lets go of my scarf once Jalal came and told him to begin.

I couldn't even stand it was either I had to ease the pain in my wrist and hurt my toes or vice versa. Jalal gave his brother what seemed to be another whip as they both stayed on either side of me but yet I still had full view of both of them.

"Please belie..." but before I could finish the rest of the sentence I felt an excruciating pain on my back, looking up to where it came from it was Jalal.

"In this room you don't speak unless spoken too" he says as he grabs hold of his whip in his hand so that he can get ready to whip me again. He turns and looks at his brother and when his brother felt his stare he looked at him.

"Let's begin" Jalal says as they both nod heir heads they turn to look at me but this time they giving me their undivided attention.

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