Chapter Eleven

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Amal's POV.

"From everything you have been through I can say that you must be parched, so I will get one of the maids to come and help you clean up and meet me downstairs for dinner" when he said dinner my mouth flew open, I was sure that not long ago it was sunny outside.

"How long was I unconscious for?" I asked, because it only felt as though I passed out for less then half an hour.

"You've been asleep for about four to nearly five hours, you had me so worried" he slowly brought his hand and put it on top of mine which were on my lap.

Seeing him lift his hand up I didn't know what action he was intending on taking so the moment it came in contact with mine I flinched, as a gasp escaped my lips.

"I told you I won't hurt you, this is something you don't have to fear about" he nods his head waiting for me to respond but I didn't know how or what to even say, my feelings were all over the place I didn't know what to believe. When he realised I didn't intend on responding he gets up from the bed and makes his way towards the door.

"A maid will be here very shortly to help you" nodding my head, i didn't even wait for Masin to leave before I stared down at my hands that just seconds ago were tingling due to his touch. Once I knew he was out of the I brought one of my hands and lightly started to touch the other, hoping that I could get that feeling once again. Once I realised their was no use I put my hand back down and just dozed of.

How can someone instantly forget who they were? Where did I even come from and how in the world did I even end up in that forest? I sat their deep in thought as a knock on the door brought me back to reality.

Looking up I see a beautiful young girl, everything that she wore from head to toe was black, except that grey apron that she had wrapped around her waist.

"Ma'am I'm here to help you with your bath" she didn't wait for me to say anything as she made her way inside the room then she walked into another room, I stayed staring at the door where she entered as I waited for her to come back.

A couple of minutes later she comes back out and tells me that my bath is ready. Just as I was going to get up from the bed I saw her quickly make her way towards me as she tried to help me, she took one of my hand and wrapped it around her shoulder as she lightly wrapped her hand around my shoulder so that she caused me as little pain as possible.

"Thank you" I say as she silently led me towards the bathroom. The moment I entered that bathroom I was blown away by its beauty, never in my life have I seen anything like it, well I don't think I have since I don't remember. So never in my life since I can remember did I see such beauty.

This is one of the only rooms that I have seen so far that actually has colour, the walls and everything in this bathroom was cream with red. Those two colours went perfectly with each other in my eyes.

Before I could finish fantasising about the room I felt the maid remove her hands from my waist, forcing me to stand on my own.

"I'm sorry Ma'am I just need to help you remove your clothes so if you need to sit down just tell me" Clenching my teeth I tooth several deep breaths as I used all my strength to stand up as I shake my head to indicate to her that I was actually fine.

I stood their staring at my reflection in the mirror as the maid started to strip me, the first thing that she started of with was my scarf, she looked for the pin that was holding it all together and once she removed it, the warmth that I felt around my face slowly started to fade away as air made its way through the gaps.

Once she completely removed the scarf my blonde hair became visible to the both of us, I would not have known what colour my hair was if I didn't have that flashback.

"Ouch" I quickly brought my hand to my head, staring at the maid through the mirror, I saw how quickly the colour on her face got drained out, once she realised what she did.

"I'm sorry ma'am I...I was only trying to remove your hair from inside your clothes" nodding my head I still remained staring at her as she slowly starts to take all my hair out, once she was finally done she brought it in front of me on each side.

"It's okay it's just you caught me by surprise" I smile at her, and suddenly the colour that disappeared started to once again make its way onto her face, as a small smile followed after.

Staring back at my reflection I finally took in the length of my hair, my blonde straight hair made it's way all the way to my waist. Slowly gliding my hand down my hair I felt it's smoothness as I untangled all the small knots that I in countered on my way down.

"Your hair is so beautiful, Mashallah" the maid says as my dress makes its way onto the ground covering my legs, causing me to be completely naked other then my undergarment and bandaids that was wrapped around my skin.

"Let's get you in the bath" she puts both her hands on the front of my shoulder and takes my hair and lets it fall completely behind me.

Just as I was going to walk I saw something on my collar bone, that caught my attention. Stopping I slowly turned around as I started to walk towards the mirror.

Once I was close enough to see what it was I instantly took a couple of steps back which caused me to trip on my dress and fall on the ground. I felt so much pain on my behind plus among other places but I couldn't think of anything right now other then what was on my collar bone.

"Are you okay Ma'am" I quickly brought up my hand and covered my collarbone, to ashamed of what she would say once she sees it.

The first of many tears made its way down my cheeks, no matter how hard I tried to suppress those tears I couldn't keep it in as I finally bursted into tears.

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