Chapter Fifty

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Amals POV.

I loved it when the clouds gave of their rain to the grass and trees, when the road became alive with more splashes than my eyes could appreciate. Yet together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum. I felt each splash that touched my skin, watched my cardigan become a deeper, more rocky hue. It was as if earlier the street had been a matt photograph, only to be washed as glossy as any magazine page.

Everyone thought i was crazy for loving this weather, but to me it was beautiful, i could sit all day and have it rain on me. If my parents saw how drenched i was getting they would be growling at me to make my way inside the house, which is why i did it in secret.

"I knew i would find you here" turning around quickly i was worried it was my father but to my luck it was only Masin walking up to me. I always sat under the same tree as i watched it rain.

"What are you doing here?" Masin walked over with his umbrella, every time i laid eyes on him i felt something inside of me, something warm. A cute smile formed on his lips as he finally made his way to me.

"Looking for you" a blush creeped its way to my cheeks. But luckily i can blame it on this chilly day. The wind blew the leaves on the tree from left to right, one by one the brown leafs removed themselves from the branches as they welcomed the new season.

"I wanted to give you something, well more like read it to you" Masin started to scratch the back of his head, i could tell that he was nervous which in return made me nervous. We both chuckled at the situation.

Putting his hand in his pocket Masin took out a piece of paper. "What is it?" I asked curiously, but before Masin could even answer the paper was snatched from his fingers as it flew with the wind. Masin lets out a gasp and immediately let go of his umbrella and started to run after it.

Getting up i started to run after him to help. I was so curious to know what he has to say but all he was doing was focusing on retrieving that letter. Suddenly the paper lands so gently on the grass and remains stationary, right up until the moment Masin tried to pick it up the wind carries is away only for it to rest on a puddle.

"No... this cant be happening" Masin says in frustration as he runs to get it, but out of nowhere he steps on a puddle near by and ends up falling face flat. Gasping i run up to him to see if he was fine. Once i got close to him i saw that he had the paper on his left hand as he got up slowly.

Once our eyes locked we both started laughing hysterically. Masins chuckles were like melody to my ears. He was the sweetest most caring person that i have met so far.

"This must be an important letter for you to be drenched like that" i say inbetween giggles, putting my hand out i help Masin get up. The once white top has now been coloured to match the nature around us.

"This is not how i expected this to go" i can see that Masin was alittle emberrassed, pulling the umbrella forward i was able to get us both under it. We were definitely going to catch a cold after this run.

"Thats okay, itll be something for us to always remember and laugh about" upon hearing that Masin laughed and shock his head.

"If i can erase this and start again i would, but its to late" we slowly made our way back under the tree, before all this started. I waited for him to slowly unravel the letter without tearing it.

"I wrote you a love letter" once he said that i quickly looked up at his face, I didnt know if what i was hearing was true, but before i could say anything Masin cleared his throat and started to read it out.

"To the most beautiful princess, I get lost in my thoughts thinking of you. This warmth that i feel inside me grows when im around you. Nothing could ever stop my heart from beating for you, nothing could ever delete the memories i share with you.
I hope to one day make you my Queen"

AN: Salam readers, hope you are all well as it has been a while since i posted. Please remember to leave a like and comment your thoughts, as i would really appreciate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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