Young Justice

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Batman was furious. Not to long ago Batman allowed BlackCanary and Flash to go patrolling with him. Where were they now you ask? Somewhere in one of Joker's warehouses in a cage. 

"Brilliant." Says BlackCanary sarcasticy leaning agenst the bars of the cage. "I feel like a robin in a bird cage." She groans.

"I could move through the bars. But what about you guys? The other leaguers are off doing... who knows what!" Says Flash. Just then his stomach growls. "You speedsters sure have an appetite." BlackCanary tells Barry. 

"You say speedsters like they're more of them." Flash curiously says.

"Well, there is a rumor about a group of children that has the same abilities as 6 of the 7 main leaguers." The female explains.

"Pfft. I doubt there is another person like me. Especially children. I mean... no child should be apart of the world of crime. They could get hurt! Or killed! I bet that is rumor isn't real. I mean... it could be... 4% chance. But I think it shouldn't. Probably not. I mean-" 

"Flash." Batman says coldly stoping the speedster's rant.

"Eep! Okay shutting up now!"

A crazy-like laugh shut the three leaguers up, though they knew who this person was. Actually. Flash wasn't sure this person was a person.

"Joker. Harley Quinn." BlackCanary greets coldly as the two clown-like psychopaths enter the room. Joker with his crowbar and Harley with her oversized hammer.

"Hahaha! Hi Canary, Flash, Batsyyyy." Jokers says pointing at each leaguer while listing their names.

"Oh! Mistah J! You did capture the bat and his friends!" An excited Harley exclaims. 

"Was there ever any doubt Harley?"

"Well, you know the people that watched over the leaguers beat you last time, puddn'."

"Well those trouble making children weren't around. Just my luck, Harley! HAHAHAHAHA-"

An eerie cackle echoed through the room, blocking Joker's laugh and startling everyone visible in the room. Batman's eyes searches the shadows for any movement when he locks his view on six children-like figures. 

One of the figures lets out another eerie cackle as it lets itself out of the shadows along with five others.

All had logos of one of the 6 out of the 7 main leaguers. Well, except one that had a 'R' on his chest. Not to mention they were children. 

"Today is definitely not my day." Flash mumbles to himself.

The Joker smiles a smile so wide that Cheshire Cat would be proud of it. "Aqualad, Miss Martian, Artemis, Superboy, KidFlash, and The Boy Wonder! My lucky day!" Shouts Joker jumping around with glee. 

"I don't think being beaten by teenagers is called 'lucky' but... ill let it side this once." Says the ginger haired teen KidFlash.

"Pah! I won't be beaten by the Kiddy League!" Laughs out the insane clown.

The teens look at each other before the one with gills, AquaLad, speaks up. "I think you've mistaken, Joker. We're not the Kiddy League. We're called Young Justice."

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