Welcome To The Wild Side

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The team and the leaguers enter Mount Justice, the computer announcing their entrance. Turns out that the league members figured out their identities by hacking their members file.

Heroes these days...

Wally looks around, "Do you think Robin is here?" He asks looking at Kaldur. The adult heroes tensed at Wally's mention of Robin, but he ignored it. 'Probably thinking that i'm talking about a bird.' The speedster thinks, mentally chuckling.

"Least likely. His territory has the most crimes out of all of ours." The atlantean explains.

"But crime rates have been going down fast this winter in Gotham." Artemis urges.

"But without the bat, robbers have been trying to steal more valuable things." Wally argues.

"But with Robin robbers don't do it often." The archer says, teeth clenched.


"Please! I'm having a headache!"

Everyone jumps (Excluding Batman because, well... he's Batman) startled by the sudden annoyed voice.

Robin walks out of the shadows, holding a bird-a-rang tightly in his left hand. "Or I will through a bird-a-rang at you."

"Pl-ease. We all know your right handed, Rob." Wally says smirking. Moments later a bird-a-rang swooshes past his head as a warning throw.

"Eep! Okay! Sorry!"

Robin sighs, then sneezes.... Like a kitten. 

"AWWWW!" Artemis and Megan gushes, "You sneeze like a kitten!" They say in union.

Robin blushes. "Umm... Okaaaay?" He sneezes again.


"My friend, are you okay?" Aqualad asks concerned.

"I think I might have caught a cold during my patrol." Robin explains, "No big deal." He says shrugging. The youngest team member then turns to the group of adults. "What are they doing here?" 

"Weelllll...." Wally starts unable to finish.

"They want to take tests on us." SuperBoy states bluntly.

"SuperBoy!" Yelps the team in union.

"T-tests?" Whimpers out Robin, all color draining his face.

"Nonononono!" Shouts Wally and Megan, "Not those types of tests!" Finishes KidFlash, aware of Robin's experiences with 'tests'. The young bird said that the tests usually end with either him screaming, crying or with pools of crimson liquid on the ground. Sometimes all three.

"Yes. We made them promise that they wouldn't take tests that could harm us." Explains Kaldur. Good ol' Kaldur.

Robin bites his bottom lip before nodding, "Okay." He agrees softly, shocking the adult heroes.

"Good." Says Aqualad nodding, "Now KidFlash and Robin? Could you please lead the... Guests to their rooms?" He asks, staring at the two boys.

KidFlash nods rapidly, "U-huh! Yes sir! Right Rob?" He softly elbows the bird's arm. 

"Right." The young boy says smiling, which the bat knew was fake.

"AWESOME!!!" Shouts the speedster before he speeds off.

"Wha-? KF!" Yells the former assassin before letting out a good-hearted chuckle, "Let's go." Says Robin gesturing to the leaguers with a wave of his hand. 

"Welcome to the wild side." The boy mumbles, but much to his dismay the two kryptonians, SuperBoy and SuperMan heard.

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