I Miss You

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Robin leaped roof to roof, letting the Gotham midnight breeze blow through his jet-black hair. He made his was to a small grassy clearing  right next to Gotham.

Walking through the clearing, thoughts and memories flow through his head. This is where it happened. This is where is life took a fall. Literally.

I stared down at the crusty blood still staining the grass. 





Cousin Dani and Kate...

"Mami! Tati! When can I fly?"

Robin kneels down next to the stained grass.

"When you are ready."

He bites his bottom lip, eyes watering.

"When am I ready, Mami?"

Blinking back tears, he brushes his hands against the grass.

"You will know when you are ready, my little robin."

Robin finally breaks down, tears flowing freely down his face.

"My little Robin."

"I miss you Mami and Tati...." He whispers slowly standing up, hearing the blazing faint sound of an alarm. "I miss you." 

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