Here We Go

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Hey guys! MoonWolf here. I was thinking.. 'Hey! Why not make a couple of chapters for the heck of it?' So here you go guys, one chapter just for you...For no reason what so ever.

Batman franticly typed on the bat-computer opening and closing files about this 'Young Justice' group. So far all he's seen is blurry pictures.

"Master Bruce, you've been at this for hours. Mind telling me why?" Batman's butler and father figure, Alfred, asks.

"This Young Justice group are only children. They could get hurt, or worse. The league has to stop them for safety reasons. It just isn't normal, Alfred." Batman explains pulling back his cowl.

"Your a grown man that dresses as a bat at night. Is there anything normal about that?" Afred says raising a brow.

"That's different. I do that for justice, for my parents. These kids don't have a reason to fight crime." Batman, or rather Bruce Wayne growls. 

"I don't know, Master Bruce. Maybe they do." Alfred comments setting a cup of coffee next to Bruce and exiting the bat-cave.

"I doubt it." The bat mumbles. 

Minutes later he finds a classified file. The files's firewall was strong, but Batman finally passed it after many attempts.

There, titled in bold read 'Young Justice League Member Info'.

Batman smirks in triumph. "Here we go."

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