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"Recognized Batman 0-2"

"Hey, Bats! What's up!?" Shouts an overly-joyed Flash.

A bat-glare shut the speedster up. "You look better than last time." The Bat comments making Flash blush in embarrassment.

"Wha-?! HEY!!!" Says The Flash realizing what he just said. Batman walks off heading towards the meeting room.

"I'll have you know I Iook good any day-! DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME BATS!!" Squeaks out the fastest man alive.

"Yeah. Sure, Barry. Can you get the others and head to the meeting room? Thanks." Batman says walking around the corner.

Flash grumbles stubbornly and rushes off to get the leaguers.


Soon enough the seven main league members arrive taking a seat at a long table.

"So, we're here Bats. Now can you please tell us why we're here?" Asks Hal Jordan, the first Green Lantern leaguer.

Batman makes full eye contact with Green Lantern making him uncomfortable. "This is about those kids...the orphan ones."

"Those kids? Did you find anything useful?! Are they okay?! ARE THEY DEAD?!?!" Bursts out Flash being the fast speaker he is.

Everyone looks at Flash, then looks at the Dark Knight wondering the same thing. The Bat sighs, "They are okay from what I've seen. They are definitely not dead. And yes, I did find something useful."

He uses his wrist computer (Idk what it's called XD) to show the leaguers his discovery. "I have info about all the children in this Young Justice group." He shows the files. "It's firewalls were strong, it took awhile for me to get in, so this must be it." 

"Haha! Justice League- 1! Young Justice- 0!" Shouts out Flash. "Actually its 1 to 1. They saved you, remember?" Points out SuperMan.

Flash sighs, "You always know how to ruin a moment...." He mumbles.

"Batman," Says AquaMan trying to change the subject, "Lets see those files, shall we?" 

Batman stiffly nods. Typing fast, the first file comes up.

Name: Artemis a.k.a Artemis Lian Crook

Age: 15 years old

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Abilities: Bow and Arrow, Trick arrows, crossbow, Handheld telescope, Rebreather 

Past: Daughter of  assassins; She ran away not wanting to be evil

Designation: B06

-----Next File-----

Name: Miss Martian a.k.a M'gann M'orzz/ Megan Morse

Age: 48 chronologically; 16 human biologically

Species: Martian 

Gender: Female

Abilities: Shapeshifting, telepathy, camouflage, density shifting, ect.

Past: One of the many related to Martian ManHunter

Designation: B05

-----Next File-----

Name: SuperBoy a.k.a Conner Kent

Age: 16 weeks; 16 years physically 

Species: kryptonian-human hybrid

Gender: Male

Abilities: Super leap, Super strength, invulnerability, superhearing, Infrared vision, ect.

Past: Clone made by Cadmus to destroy Superman

Designation: B04

----Next File-----

Name: KidFlash a.k.a Wally West

Age: 16

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Abilities: Superhuman speed, superhuman endurance, superhuman reflexes, gymnastics

Past: After both parents were killed in a fire, he ran away

Designation: B03

-----Next File-----

Name: Aqualad a.k.a Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur

Age: 16

Species: Atlantean

Gender: Male

Abilities: Electricity generator, water-bearers, underwater breathing, hard-water constructs, etc.

Past: Son of  Black Manta; After finding out they were working with the bad guys he quickly ran away to the surface 

Designation: B02

-----Next File-----

Name: Robin a.k.a Unknown

Age: 14

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Abilities: Acrobatics, gymnastics, close combat, eerie laughter, bird-a-rangs, trick bird-a-rings, ect.

Past: Former assassin of [{Error! Error! Error!}]

Designation: B01


Hey my little pups! I updated again! Are you proud of me yet?! .... Mhm.... This was a boring chapter.... Meh.... HOWL TO YOU LATER!!!!!

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