Too Late Now

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Robin bit his lip, trying to unlock his cuffs. "Come... On.... Come... On... Al-most...." 


"Yes!" Robin whisper-yelled.

"Argh... Rob?" asked Kid Flash, stirring in his sleep. 

"Shh! Quiet!" Robin hushed the speedster, beginning to unlock his cuffs.

A chorus up footsteps and voices made him freeze. Wally seemed to hear them, too, because he suddenly said to Dick, "Go. You can come back for me later." 

"Your crazy," growled Robin.

"No, we're wild."

The two looked at eachother as the footsteps came closer, "Okay, hang on," Robin said to his friend before exiting the room from the vents.

Wally turned his attention to the door as two people, a talon and a Shadow Leaguer, entered. Just as they opened the door, they tensed. 

And then an alarm sounded.


"They're here?" asked Aqualad. Artemis nodded her response.

"Alright. Batman, GreenArrow, Flash and Artemis are Team One again. Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Superman and I will be Team Two. Aquaman, Superboy and Miss Martain will be Team Three. Team Three will look around the warehouse, Team Two will look side the warehouse, and Team One will look under the warehouse," Aqualad instructed. 

"How are we going to look underground?" asked GreenArrow, raising a brow.

"I don't know, you have to find your own way," responded Aqualad.

"Yes, that is extremely helpful," murmured Flash.

Suddenly, an alarm faintly rang through the air, "It's coming from down below," said Batman thoughtfully.

"Screw the plan, they're underground!" pointed out Artemis.

"But how can we get down there..." mumbled Black Canary.

An arrow then cut through the air, exploding at the ground's touch.

Everyone yelled in surprised. When the smoke clear, everyone turned to the female archer, "Artemis!"

Artemis put her hands up in defense, "Wasn't me."

"That's because it was me," stated a male voice.

"Roy?!" Aqualad and Artemis said in disbelief.

"I thought you guys were going undercover. Keep it down... And it's Red Arrow," Red Arrow said as he came closer to the group.

"I though you were a solo hero now," grumbled SuperBoy.

"I am, but that doesn't mean I can't work in teams every once in a while. Now, come on. I'm doing this for Robin and Kid Flash, not you guys," said Red Arrow as he leapt down into the hole.

"Augh, I can't believe that guy!" yelled out Artemis in disgust before following.


Robin carefully crawled through the vents, making a clanking sound every once in a while. Which way was the exit? He then had a sudden realization. The motion sensors! 

He stopped and turned on his hologlove. Robin rapidly typed, "Annnnnd.... I hacked the motion sensors," the former assassin wasted no time and continued crawling.

A sudden explosion caught Robin off-guard and made him fall from the vents. 

Franticly, he grabbed the end of the now broken vents and just hung there. Multiple assassins from the court and shadow league ran from down below, dodging falling debris and didn't seem to notice Robin yet.

After a few moments of watching, the debris stopped falling, and Robin was able to crawl back into the vents.

"That was a close one..." he murmured to himself.

Robin put his hologlove up again and checked the map he had downloaded earlier, "Augh! I had to take a left a few minutes ago!" He looked at the open space between him and the other side of the vent.

Robin frowned, "Too late now." he said before continuing another way.

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