Nothing We Can Do

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Robin laid on the couch sleeping, his team mates around him following the same action.

The adult heroes watched quietly from the door frame, half asleep.

Flash yawns, "What could these kids do at night? You seem more anxious than before if your not gonna allow us to go to sleep, Bats." He mumbles drowsily.

"You never know, Barry. They might seem regular at first, but then that's when they would strike." Says Batman narrowing his eyes, not looking at the teens, but their surroundings.

"Could you not be so suspicious for once?! They're kids for Pete's sake!" Yelps Green Arrow, grumpy from his lack of sleep.

Much to the team's surprise, Batman yawns as well.

"Your right. We need to sleep." Admits the bat.

Nodding, the rest of the adults exits the room. Batman takes one more look at the room and the peacefully sleeping teens before following.


2:00 in the morning..

Robin sat up quickly, gasping for breath as he had just had a nightmare.

He looked down at Wally before seeing a blur of black in the shadows.

Wasting no time hesitating, his eyes bolted around the room. He was being watched, no doubt.

"Wally." Robin whispers shaking the speedster franticly. "Wally." He whispers again a little louder.

Wally stirs a bit in his sleep before answering, "What Rob? It's two in the morning..." He whines. Robin bites his bottom lip, seeing another shadow. Thankfully, Wally saw this shadow, because he sat up quickly.

He turns to Robin, showing the same fear in the other boy's eyes, though they were covered Wally saw it clearly.

"Shadows." Whispers Robin to his best friend.

Another blur caught the boys' eyes.

Wally and Robin inch closer to each other, seeking comfort.

"W-what are we gonna do?" Whispers the speedster, his gaze not leaving their surroundings.

"There is nothing we can do..." Whispers back the bird.


Screams quickly took over the silence, waking up both the teens and adults.

Artemis quickly looked over at Wally and Robin, only to find a drop of crimson liquid from where they were sitting.


Yay! Happy late fourth of July!!! I accidentally did a cliffhanger without noticing. X3 This fan fiction is finally getting somewhere! And sorry for the short update!


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