Our Little Bird

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Robin collapses to the ground, a sticky red liquid quickly staining the floor. 

"Robin!" Yells the Team.

The figure that stabbed Robin suddenly comes into view. "The court." Growls Wally, shocking the older heroes. 

Megan quickly jumped into action, her eyes glowing and using her telekinesis to throw the talon to the wall, making a sickening crack echo through the room.

Wally, being already out of shock, zoomed over to Robin and looked at his wound. "H-He's loosing blood fast!" He exclaims.

"PUT PRESSURE ON IT!" Shouts Artemis sliding to Robin's side. 

KidFlash hesitantly placed his hand on Robin's wound and pressures it, his hand already coated in blood- Robin's blood

"We need to get him to the mountain." Says Wally, looking up at Kaldur.

"And abandon the mission? I think not. I'm not abandoning a mission for an assassin." Hisses Artemis.

"Artemis!" Shouts Megan, stunned. 

"It's true! He is nothing but a ruthless killer!" Growls the archer.

"He was forced to do that!" Shouts back Wally.

"So? He is the mole!"

"There is no mole in the team!" 

"Is so- and I bet it's Robin!" The Team is silent, "You think our little bird is the mole?" Whispers KidFlash, though everyone could hear.

Artemis frowns, "When we found him he was easy to capture. Explain that?" She snaps.

"I read his mind when we met." All heads turned to Megan, "He wanted to get captured- " "Hah! See?" "Because he didn't want to be a killer." Finishes the martian, Artemis biting her lip hesitantly.

The archer hangs her head down in shame. Talons then pop out of nowhere startling the group.

"Okay. Green Arrow, Batman, Green Lantern go with Artemis, KidFlash and Robin back at the mountain. You will be group 1. I will not take no for an answer." Kaldur finishes noticing Green Arrow about to talk back.

The Atlantean then turns to the remaining heroes, "The rest of us will stop the Court. We are group 2."

The two groups nods in agreement and take action, the first group escaping, the second fighting.

Group one races to the mountain, Robin's life at risk. Honestly, the older heroes didn't know why they were helping. It just felt necessary. Like it was fate.

The computer announcing their presence, the group rushes to the med bay.

Back with group two, Flash dodges a talon's katana. SuperBoy slamming the talon to the wall fiercely. The Flash stares wide eyed at the clone, the female martian standing by SuperBoy staring at Flash. "He has anger problems." She explains quickly. Barry nods, unsure about this team-up thing.

At the mountain Wally places Robin carefully on the bed.

"We need to take off his shirt. Then I can clean and stitch his wound." Explains Batman, Artemis giving him the 1st Aid Kit (:P).

KidFlash nods, careful not to make Robin bleed more, he takes off the younger boy's shirt. 

Then there was a chorus of gasps.


There ya go TheLastFlyingGrayson! Your globing load of robin!

So... yeah... I pretty much assured Robin wasn't dieing so... Pegasister60 and @DC_lover have no right to kill me :P

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