Here We Go Again

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Flash, Artemis, Greenarrow, and Batman leapt roof-to-roof like a pack of wolves on the hunt.

Artemis was murmuring words to herself that the older heroes couldn't catch, but they didn't question it.

"Where are we going, kid?" Asked Flash.

"If this wasn't an important time I would've walked over to you and kick you where the sun don't shine," Snarled Artemis, "Don't call me 'kid'. Call me Artemis you idiot."

"O-Kay...." Said Flash nervously.

Pause. Silence.

"Where are we going, Artemis?"

Artemis mentally face palmed, "To Gotham," Batman tensed just the slightest bit, "And I'm not taking no for an answer." 

The rest of the trip was silent, excluding the occasional light breeze and police car sirens.


Artemis skid to a stop, surprising Flash, and almost running off the edge.

"-tt-. Idiot." The female archer mumbled.

"Where are we?" Asked Greenarrow, carefully taking in their surroundings, "Isn't this the billionaire Bruce Wayne's mansion?

Greenarrow and Flash knew of Batman's identity, but they weren't to sure about Artemis. Did she know Batman was Bruce Wayne?

"Yes. What else does it look like? Oliver Queen's dopey home?" Asked Artemis, aware of all the heroes's secret ID.

Greenarrow frowned, but kept his mouth shut and started to mumble something about Bruce Wayne's house being dopey. Batman's mouth twitched upwards because of Greenarrow's self-conversation, but he too kept his mouth shut.

"Alright, Artemis. What's the plan?" Asked Flash.

"Well, we're breaking inside the mansion, use the grandfather clock to enter the batcave, and I'll take things from there." She explained.

The older heroes flinched and tensed. "What-?"

"Or the disscised playboy dressed in the bat suit could let us in. Honestly, breaking inside a mansion sounds more exciting, but I'll let you guys choose." Said the archer, tuning around with a witty smile.

"We'll.... Go through the front door." Said Batman, taking the lead with the other heroes hesitantly tailing him.

Artemis let out a short laugh before following,"Here we go again."

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