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The next two chapters is dedicated to TheLastFlyingGrayson

Thank you for your feedback! XD


The league members have been at the mountain for about a day now, watching the younger heroes closely. So far they've only acted like regular teens.

It was 10:26 pm at night when things started to get a bit more interesting.

Everyone was around the T.V, the teens arguing about what to watch. "No! I refuse to watch anymore static!" "Well KidMouth, could you please choose a channel other then My Little Puppy?!" "What's wrong with My Little Puppy?! THAT SHOW IS AWSOME!! ESPECIALLY RAINBOWPUP" "That show is for children!" "By the way you guys are acting it would be the perfect show." 

"ROBIN!" Yells Superboy, KidFlash and Artemis in union.

Robin puts his hands up defending himself, "Sorry! I'm just saying that maybe we should calm down and vote on what we want to watch...." The young heroes stare at him, "Please?" Artemis sighs in defeat, "Okay.." "Fine.." "Hmph..."

"Thank you." Robin mumbles leaning on the door frame.

Just then the group's belts blink franticly. Wally sighs, "At least the break was good while it lasted."

"Robin, what is the trouble?" Asks Kaldur looking at the boy.

The former assassin brings up his Hologlove (Thank you @villainousharley ) and frowns, "It's the Court Of Owls...." He mumbles, "Great." Robin says sarcastically.

Wally frowns as well, "The Court Of Owls? Huh. They have some nerve to attack- um... Where are they, exactly?" The speedster asks.

"In Gotham." 

The team pales. "Nu-uh! There is no way in heck that I'm going into Gotham at night!" Shouts Artemis.

"We have to. If we don't then who knows what could happen?" Responds Kaldur.

"B-but all the shadows! A-and the feeling like your always being watched!" Stuttered Wally.

"Hey! Gotham isn't that bat!" Urges Robin. Everyone including the adults stared at him. Batman looked shocked as well, but that went away quickly.

The bird looks embarrassed and looks away quickly. "We should go before something really bad happens..." He suggested.

The others nod in agreement. "We will be coming too." Says Aquaman.


The two teams arrive at a museum a few minutes later.

KidFlash shivers, "Am I the only one that thinks Gotham is the scariest place on earth?" He asks.

"On earth? Sure. On Mars there is this creature called a Linger. It is said to have ten arms and-" "Okay! Megan we don't want nightmares right now!" Yelps KidFlash.

"What would they want here?" Asks SuperBoy suddenly.

"I think that the court and the shadow league might be working together. Because of that theory, the court might be stealing kryptonite for the shadows." Explains Robin.

"Wow. Heavy theory." Comments Wally.

The team continues walking taking in their surroundings carefully. But not careful enough.

SuperBoy hears a sudden sound of a weapon being drawn. He turns around quickly, seeing a figure behind Robin he panics.

"Robin!" He manages to shout out.

Too late. 

Robin feels a sharp pain on his back and he screams, shortly after that sinking into darkness.

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