We're Not Safe Anymore

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And just like that B01(Robin) drops a smoke bomb, covering up their escape. By the time the smoke clears, they're gone.

The three leaguers stare at each other. 

"I think I need to lay down..." Says the adult speedster drowsyly.

"Do you think we have to tell the others about this?" Asks Black Canary ignoring Flash's request.

"We have to. They're children. They could get seriously hurt, and without a guardian watching them is ten times worse." Says Batman cuffing the two jokers.

"We understand." Says Black Canary nodding.

Flash then collapses in exhaustion.


KidFlash lays on the couch crunching on potato chips while half-heartedly switching through the channels.

"Seen. Seen. Seen. Don't like. Seen. Don't like. Don't know. Seen. Seen. Don't know. Cameral. Seen." The speedster groans, "Is there anything to watch?!" He shouts.

SuperBoy walks in grabbing the remote and changing the channel to static. "Seriously Supes?" Says KidFlash annoyed. "We have a million channels and you choose static." 

"We have a million channels and you couldn't choose one." Replies SuperBoy is his gruff voice.

"....Point taken. Hey, where are the others?" 

"In the kitchen."

"Thanks Supes!" Says KidFlash. He shoves the rest of his chips in his mouth and zooms off. (Pun intended...)


Robin sat at the circler table upgrading the weapons on his unity belt while Megan burnt another batch of cookies.

"Ohhhh! I'm never going to get this right!" Megan says placing the burnt cookies on the table.

"Sure you are." Robin says taking a burnt cookie and inspecting it, "You just need practice. Plus, I wouldn't mind. Burnt or not burnt- I love chocolate chip cookies!" He comments taking a bite.

"Well I don't." Complains Artemis sitting next to Robin and placing her quiver on the table, "They're crunchy and taste like smoke. Seriously! What type of cookie goes 'crunch'?" 

"This one." The boy wonder says waving his half eaten cookie in the air, "And it doesn't taste like smoke... it tastes like the ashes in smoke." Robin smiles.

"But smoke and the ashes taste the same." Kalmur points out.

"Ah ah ah." Says Robin waving his finger, "According to recent studies-"


Everyone jumps finally noticing Wally leaning agenst the door frame. "The heck?" Says a confused Artemis, "Where did you come from?"

"Anywhere and everywhere." Whispers KidFlash winking at Artemis. "He came from the living room." Says SuperBoy walking past Wally.

"Awww... duuude..." Whines the young speedster.

Robin then speaks up. "Guys. Shouldn't we be worried about what happened today?" He asks cautiously.

"What do you mean Robin?" AquaLad asks looking at the youngest member of the team.

"The leaguers we saved. They're going to try to stop us." Explains Boy Wonder putting back on his unity belt.

"He's right," Starts Artemis, "They're going to try to capture us and give us to the orphanage because we're-" Everyone looks at her, "Kids..." She finishes sadly. 

Silence followed, making everyone uncomfortable. 

"We're not safe anymore.." Whispers Robin.

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