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Hey  guys! Moon here! I wanna say that we are VERY close to 50 followers! And another thing was that I'm going to do a three day rotation for updates. First day is 'Young secrets'(This book), Second day is 'Birds Were Born To Fly'(A Court Of Owls AU Robin I am currently creating), and last is 'Innocent, Insane and Sightless'(A Team Red and DC crossover). So... yeah... I will start to do this three day rotation riiiiiight NOW!

Your weird author,



Scars were littered all over the young male's fragile frame. Some old, some new.The largest one had to be the long thin line on his right flank.

"Damn... What did this kid have to go through?" Murmurs Green Lantern.

Batman, out of shock of course, grabbed the wet rag and dabbed it on the child's wound carefully. Robin hissed in pain at the sudden action.

"... I need everyone to get out. Otherwise I could get distracted." Explains Batman. Everyone nods and exits, Wally and Artemis hesitating before doing so.

Nodding in approval the Dark Knight continues cleaning the stab wound. 

Hours Later~

Robin woke up to the sound of beeping.


He finally gets the strength to open his eyes. Bright lights shining in his vision, he groans. Robin tries to get up but hisses feeling a sting of pain on his back.

A hand pushes him back on the bed, "You don't want to reopen that wound." Says a gruff voice.

Robin could just make out a dark figure of a bat. Batman. Robin suddenly realizes when his vision clears.

"Yeah. I guess I don't. It would hurt." Says Robin stating the obvious.

"..." They stare at each other for a few moments, "What do they want?" Batman finally asks. "What do you mean?" Robin asks back, confused.

"The Court and The League Of Shadows." 

"... Oh." Is the only thing Robin said until a few more moments, "The Court- I ran away from them... And the Shadows always would try to steal me. The assassin life- I was forced into it... But the hero life- it chose me." He pauses, "They want me...and I don't want to be a killer." He looks at the ceiling, "I want to be me."

Robin looks at Batman again, "Have you ever felt like that?" He asks the Bat.

Batman blinks in disbelief. This kid spoke without fear and hesitation. It was amazing. "Yes." The Dark Knight answers truthfully, "Many times before."

The boy broke out a smile, "I guess a bird and a bat isn't so different."

"What makes you say that?"

"A bird soars, a bat flies. A bird chirps, a bat screeches. And this bird and bat understand each other." 

Batman nods, "I guess so. And don't worry about the assassins, I'll make sure- the league will make sure that they won't get you." 

Robin smirks, "DaddyBats."

"Excuse me?" 

"You care about me. DaddyBats." The child chirps cheerfully.

"... Whatever." The Dark Knight bluntly says, though this kid really did touch his heart.

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