We Are Not Regular Children

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"Young Justice. Hm... Sounds cheesy. But I expected something along the lines of 'Fan Squad' or maybe 'Heros Beyond' but eh... Not complaining or anything-" 

"Pl-ease shut up. Listening to you rant is going to drive me into a coma! Though I wouldn't complain about a coma if you kept talking..." Says the boy called Boy Wonder. KidFlash snorts and Artemis is barely able to bite back her laugh managing a quiet giggle. 

"Oh? The joker of the group, Eh? I like you!" Says Joker.

"The joker of the group? Sorry but I'm not an insane psychopath thank you very much." Responds the child. The group bursts into a fit of laughs and giggles, Boy Wonder smirking. 

"Why you little- " Joker takes a deep breath and let's it out, "I'm not getting beaten by children. And water is definitely not going to stop me." The insane man says looking at the Atlantian, Aqualad.

"If not water..." Starts Aqualad, "What about speed..." KidFlash gets into a running position, "Strength," SuperBoy crosses his arms, "Arrows," Artemis readys an arrow at Joker, "Telekinesis," Miss Martain's eyes glow, "Or close combat?" Robin puts himself into a fighting position.

Joker and Harley frowns at the children. It was silent until Joker (Not surprisingly) breaks it. "Eager for a fight, now, are we?" Says Joker grinning. 'You have no idea.' Thinks Robin.

Joker brings up his knifes and Harley brings up her hammer trying to be imitating, but the group stands their ground much to the trapped leaguers surprise. 

The mysterious group knew that the trapped leaguers were watching their every move- which was kinda creepy. But they knew that they wanted to know more about them, so they decided to show off their powers. I mean- just this once. Even though it was a bad idea they stuck with it. I mean... They're children for Pete's sake! What you expect?

Joker looks at his reflection on his knife twirling it around. "I hope you like being decapitated." He says. 

"Whoa. Your definitely not feeling the aster." Boy Wonder says chuckling. 

Then it was complete chaos. Arrows and bird-a-rangs fell uselessly on the ground and puddles of water slowly started to form. One of Artemis's arrows just barely misses KidFlash's head. He stops running immediately to glare at the female archer. She puts her hands up in defense and keeps shooting arrows at the enemy sloppily.

'Artemis! Watch where you shoot those!' KidFlash yells in the mind link.

'Well Sor-ry if i can't get a clear shot! Everyone is in the way!' Artemis responds obviously stressed. 

'We could move, then you could get a clear shot.' Kaldur suggests. 

'Good. So I can finally get help fighting Harley...'  Robin thinks, annoyed.

'Oh! Dude! I totally forgot about Joker's girlfriend!' KidFlash thinks laughing.

'......I will kill you when we get to base......' Growls Robin.

Kalmur, Wally, Conner, and Megan backs out of the way for Artemis's shot and moves towards Harley and Robin. Joker was wearing his regular creepy smile when the young archer fired. Her arrow fell last second and a net replaced it, capturing the male clown.

'Now let's get Harley and free the leaguers then home sweet home.' Thinks KidFlash smiling.

'It's more of a base, KidMouth, but i guess so.' Artemis thinks back.

'A-hem! Help please!' Robin thinks breaking their conversation.

SuperBoy catches Harley's hammer and snaps it to halves, breaking it. "Eep!" Harley peeps out. Harley turns to run away but Robin aims a bird-a-rang at her legs wrapping it with a net. 

'Haha! Yes! Now we can go home and-' Starts KidFlash.

'Hold up, Wally. We need to free the leaguers.' Kaldur points out.

'...Wait... We are? I thought you were joking.' Kid says confused.

Everyone sends him a glare.

"Seriously! I thought you guys were joking!" The young speedster yells out.

"Thats a stupid thing to think." Artemis says putting her hand on her hip.

"Wait. You thought B04(SuperBoy) was joking?" Robin says snickering.

"Enough. B01(Robin) pick the lock." Aqualad commands. 

Robin nods. "B05(MissMartian) can I use your hair pin?" He asks.

The martian hands the youngest member her hair pin. B01(Like I said, Robin) picks the lock and opens the door to the cage, freeing the leaguers. 

"Umm... Thank you?" Says Flash, but it was more of a question. 

"No problem." Says the female archer.

"Actually there is a lot of problems..." Starts the young speedster.

"B03(KidFlash)" Hisses Robin.

"Eep! Okay!" 

"You should get back to your... parents" Says BlackCanary. 

"Orphans." Says Kalmur.

"Excuse me?"

"Orphans. We're orphans."

"......Then get going to your orphanage." Says the bat.

A few seconds of silence.

"Listen," started Robin, "She's a Martian," he said, pointing to Miss Martain, "And then a metahuman, and then an Atlantean, and then some random girl with excellent archer skills? Even normal every day people will know that we are not regular children."

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