Day 3

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Megan comes in late. Mr. Lang was still out because his wife was still going through labor. Even though I was still severely hesitant to strike a conversation with Megan I breathed a few times to conceal my nervousness so I could talk to her. I knew March 13 was the day Ii found out love at first sight WAS real. I just didn't want to face the fact I had fallen for another girl so fast that I barely even knew. 

I stand up walk over to her and say "Hello, Megan, how are you?" She jumps at my voice because she stared through the window contemplating her life. She replies with "Hey, Jess, I am okay, you?" I was shocked to find she answered I thought she was upset about the conversation she tried having with me yesterday. I said "I am good".  We played 21 questions in order to find out more about each other. I seen that she had a phone so I politely asked for her number so we could talk over the weekend since today was Friday and we are in our last class. She gave me her number, but I can't text the number I have to call it. She started the game of 21 questions by normal questions like: favorite color, food, drink, tv show, book, game, movie. We learned so much including that we had a lot in common. She loves the genre horror as do I. The bell rang as always when 3:20 pm came. 

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