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Here is some more information on the new club called "Pride" It is specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and basically all of the LGBTQ community in Maryland. No one knows who in the world made this or how the person is going to manage seeing if everyone there is actually in the LGBTQ community. The place was in the middle of no where literally. I had way to many doubts and bad feelings about all of it. Megan wanted to go but she could tell from the way I told her don't go, that it would be important. I talked to Aaron and Austin who where about to change their plans and go but we got to them before they could make a definite decision. I suddenly remember Jared and Jamal they where definitely going.  I jumped up and screamed "OH MY GOD JARED AND JAMAL". Aaron and Austin drove as fast as possible to get one of their phone numbers they had received the day of the parade. Jamal (the number they had gotten) wouldn't pick up the phone. No one knew where this club was. It had a facebook page the day we heard of it. The pages "about" said 'RSVP  for location information' and RSVP was only open for a week. They where there already, and so was everyone else who planned on going. There was nothing we could do. 

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