Day 6

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It was a new week and I am beginning to feel really bad about kissing Megan. I just feel like in that moment it was so appropriate and it felt so right. We aren't dating so it was still awkward even through how passionate the kiss was. After she came into class she sat next to me ad kept staring at me smiling with her beautiful grin that wasn't ever bright until we were friends. Did she know? Does she believe in love at first sight? Or is there a secret she struggles to mention for unknown reasons? "Hey about that ki..." she says and gets cut-off by another classmate who is openly really against the LGBT+ community, his name is Dawson. He can't really judges others though considering he has many flaws himself. Dawson says "Was I about to interrupt the transvestite and the class whore (keeping in mind I don't talk to half the class and am definitely not a whore) from making out". "Whoreface who knew you where gay". Then says to Megan "I bet you still have a dick in your pants". The teacher hears this bullying nonsense and dismisses it because he never liked Megan anyway because "religious reasons" . I grab Megan's stuff put it in her bag, do the same for my belongings, grab her hand and storm out of the classroom. We go into the bathroom and she starts crying. I hold her in my arms until she gathers the strength/breath to say, "Dawson is right I do still have a penis because the age when you can undergo the surgery and get the hormones I just reached this year and I still have a few months before I can do it." I shed a few tears because the girl I fell for just got shamed for feeling lost and not being able to control her age. We hug and I say lets leave and go out to eat my treat. I wash up her face and  kiss her cheek and we sign out at the office (planning to email the counselor the next day).  We drive to a  Burger King, and go inside, we talk for hours there about how she was planing on the surgery, if she was nervous. I suggest to her we email the counselor that night about us not going to school tomorrow because of unfortunate events and she agrees. She asks if it would be fine staying the night so I told her call her mom while I cal mine for verification. They agree to our little slumber party plan and we drive over to my house. We sent the email to the counselor and explained what happened that day, to settle the night we snuggled and watched comedies on Netflix. It's hard to believe we aren't a thing yet. 

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