Jegan & Auron

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Megan and I bought a video camera and a laptop. Austin and Aaron did the same thing. We both started our YouTube channel with everyone who came and seen us April 23, 2017 shouting us out and w got 1k subscribers each in under a month and before we knew it we were really popular. Megan and I vlogged and played games. I can sing and Megan learned guitar so we started doing covers and writing songs. Austin and Aaron were gamers mainly but vlogged every other week and played pranks on each other. Megan and I got signed a record deal for a record label in California. We talked to our families and they agreed to let us do our own things. We said our goodbyes packed and Megan, Rose, Mitch and I moved and were off to California. Austin and Aaron gave up the apartment and started living in my old house. Soon after my mom and dad broke up. My mom died of liver cancer no one knew she had. On her will she said she didn't want a funeral and to let my grandma take care of everything. My dad wrecked off a hill and killed 3 campers and got accidental manslaughter and put in jail for drunk driving as the cause of the accident. Aaron sold their house and belongings. Adopted Mikayla and moved over to California with Megan and I. 

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