Mikayla's Incident

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Kian and Korey had gotten into a drunk fight at a gay bar they went to. They decided to drive back home and just talk it out tomorrow. They called Mikayla and told her they loved her. She tried calling them back but they were not answering. She knew they were drinking and driving. The crashed into a gas pump going 100 mph. The car blew up killing both of them. After a few hours Mikayla called because she knew the bar they went to was only 30 minutes away from their house, but it went straight to voicemail and she knew that was a bad sign. She drove to the bar and saw a big fire and a lot of police and firemen. She parked the car and got the babies out of the car. The police came over to her and told her that she needed to leave. She started crying and choked up the words "those are my boyfriends". The police were confused because she said "boyfriends" he said "excuse me?" She said "we are or were in a polynormous relationship it's Kian Lawley and Korey Griffin". He questions polymorous and she told him looked it up and told them they were drunk driving and explained one of the kids was Kian's and the other was Korey's. She said I am going to leave it's late and I am overwhelmed. She put the babies in the car and headed home. She put the kids asleep and cried all night. 

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