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"See you tomorrow, partner!" Judy smiles and waves up at me. I grin down at her. "See you, Carrots. Tell those neighbours I said hi." She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, right." We both wave to Ben, who is currently trying to break his donut eating record, and head out the doors.

Her apartment isn't far, so she can walk. I have to suffer through cabs driven by cranky goats. If they are having a really bad day, they go after you with their horns. I hail a cab, and we head home.

I pay the cabbie, and stroll in the front door, slouching and paws in my pockets. My landlady, an ocelot, is in the kitchen, burning tonight's dinner.

"Doris! That smells wonderful. You have a gift." I lie, smiling lazily at her.
Her head turns to me and she looks disdainfully at me. "Your behind on your rent, Nick. I thought you had a job now?" Her eyes focus on me through her granny glasses.
"I, uh, erm." I slip up into my room when her concoction starts bubbling and forces her to turn back to it.

My tail brushes against the floor and I flop down on my bed. That was a close one. I text Judy. 'Hey, wanna go get something to eat later?' I press send.


I slip into my apartment, trying not to let the neighbours know I'm home. I take off my Kevlar vest and holster and flop into my chair. I pull out my iPhone on check my notifications.

One missed call from Mom and Dad Call back?

I pressed the button and Moms face appears on screen. "Judy! How are you, my little cottontail?" She smiles. "Are you getting enough sleep? You look tired. How's Nick?"
I smile back at her. "Hi Mom. I'm doing great. Long day of work, that's all. Nick's fine. How are you guys?"
"Oh, we're fine. Just checking up on you, sweetie."
We talk for a while, but when my stomach decides to join in the conversation, Mom looks stern.
" I know, I know. I'll go get something to eat. Talk to you later, Mom." I end the call and see a text from Nick.

'Hey, wanna go get something to eat later?'

Just in time. I fire a message back.

'How about now? I'm starving.'

'Great. My landlady burnt dinner again. I had to pretend to choke some down. See you at Tonys?'

'Sounds good. You really gotta move out of there, you know.'

'I know, Carrots. I know. See you soon.'

'Race you there.'

'Loser buys dinner?'


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