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"The Night Howlers suppliers are in BunnyBurrow." Slash says.
"Whaat?" I rub the back of my neck.
He sighs. "In BunnyBurrow they use night howlers to keep the bugs away. Somebody growing large amounts wouldn't raise concern. Plus, bunnies aren't the most suspicious." He raises a eyebrow. "Level with me, Nick. Is Hopps really your partner? I never thought you'd turn cop. Did they force you into this?"
"No! I mean, she is my partner. They didn't force me. BunnyBurrow.... This isn't good."
"Why? Worried your girlfriend won't like it?"
"She's not my... forget it. I don't like this. If the rabbits are supplying... Thanks, Slash. We'll keep the police off your back for a while. I owe you one."
"That you do. Give your girlfriend my best. It's dangerous out there, Nick. Be careful." He fades back into the shadows.
"Always the dramatic one, huh, Slash?" He doesn't answer, which is answer in its self.
I stroll out to Judy, who starts firing away with her questions.
I hold up a paw. "Let's wait until we get in the car. Slash has a habit of eavesdropping." She reluctantly stops and half runs out to the car, jumping in the drivers seat. Shoot. We'll probably crash when she hears the news.


"I don't believe it. They wouldn't. Would they?" Judy is all bewilderment. I hate making her question those she grew up with, but it's part of the job.
"According to Slash, they are. He's the most reliable source of information on the streets. I'd believe him wholeheartedly on anything else, but it doesn't seem possible." Her ears are drooping.
"It's not ALL rabbits in BunnyBurrow. Someone else could be behind it. Right?" Her ears prick up a little.
"Of course. We have to think about that, too. You're a local. Who do you think would do it?"
"We have a couple of sheep families that might, for the right price. There's..." She glances over cautiously. "A elderly fox who would most likely do it. And I can think of a couple rabbits who would."
"We'll have to check them all when we go. Night howlers in large quantities should be easy to spot. How many went savage?" She reaches for her phone, but I quickly grab mine and stop her. "I'll do it. You just... drive." Judy shrugs. My screen lights up and I tap in my password. "Twenty, as of today, and that's just the ones we've found, and what's been reported. Luckily, we have the antidote."
She nods. There doesn't seem to be anything else to say. I drop off to sleep as it starts to rain, clouds covering the moon.

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