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*Note: I have NO idea on police protocol, so keep in mind this is all guesswork. Plus, I'm a bit too lazy to research it at the mo'.

I have to admit, we didn't get caught. Maybe Fluffs hiding places aren't so bad. I open the door, motioning for her to go first with a grand bow. She gives me a dirty look, and steps carefully. I love this bunny. Wait, what? No time now.

I step after her, using hundreds f years of fox sneakiness to keep my footsteps quiet. I've reached back into that part of me so often, it's old habit.

We're standing in a room painted completely white, bouncing light off every piece of exposed wall ceiling or floor. A blue and purple light glows from the tables situated all around the perimeter of the room. On the tables... night howlers. Revulsion pulses through me. Then fear. Judy shouldn't be here. If they find us and tag me... I know I won't be able to fight it. That's been proven. I won't be able to stop myself from hurting her. And then, I'd wake up and know I'd done.

She shouldn't be here.


I'm just about to start recording, making sure that I mute any incoming calls. Last time did NOT work out so well, when I notice Nick staring at me, concern printed on his face. It doesn't take a genius to puzzle out what he's thinking. I sigh heavily. "Nick, stop."
He tries for the 'innocent' look. Let's be honest, that doesn't work for a fox.
"Stop what?" He tries to wipe his face of every emotion, but I know him. The crease in between his eyebrows remains.
"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Please." I scan the room looking for more clues on the identities of our gang. Dark fur. Sandy fur. Most likely more than one species.
My partner sighs. "I can't help it, okay? We're the smallest animals on the force. Why do we have to deal with this?"
I shrug. "Maybe they think that if we DO go savage, we'll do less damage."
"Don't pretend like it won't happen. It possible. Carrots, I don't want to hurt you."
Wow. Nick must really be scared. He rarely shows so much emotion. Being a con made him hide his emotions deep down. I try to appease him. "Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll go savage. Then I can be the one to feel guilty."
The look he gives me is so worried and scared that I immediately regret the flippant words. "Nick, I'm sorry-" He cuts me off. "No. You're right. Maybe the bunny'll attack the fox. Imagine the headlines." He gives me a smirk, all other emotions disappearing. I smile back at him and start recording.

ANNNNDDDD HAPPY FOURTH Y'ALL. THANKS FOR BEING PATIENT! Feel free to message, vote or comment!

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