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I don't know where that came from. Of course I trusted her. We're partners.

But ever since that press conference, there's been niggling doubt in the back of my mind. The part that's still the heart broken cub with a muzzle wrapped around his snout. It's not her I distrust. It's myself. What if going savage IS in my biology?

If I go savage, could I stop myself from hurting her? No one can fight against Night Howlers. I'd hurt anyone close to me, including her.

She looks shocked and reaches out a paw to touch my arm. "Nick. Of course you can trust me. We're partners, and that's never going to change." She steps in close and wraps her arms around me. I hesitate, and slowly hug her too.

"Sorry, Carrots." I mumble. Her grip tightens.
"It's okay, Nick." Her words are muffled against my shirt.

She doesn't notice the tranq dart in my paw until it's to late. "Nick! No...." her huge purple eyes close and she slumps, still hugging me. I pick her up and lay her softly on her bed. "Sleep well." Nobody's around, and she's asleep, so I lean down and kiss the fur over her cheek. My phone rings.

"Chief Bogo? Time to go? My partner is unavailable right now. I'll still go with you. Great. Meet you there." I hang up and look at the sleeping bunny. "I'll be back. Promise, partner."

If I don't come back, she'll wake up in four hours very groggy. To late to stop me. .


"Are you sure this is the place?" Chief Bogo asks, gun in one hoof, taser in the other. I nod. He grunts. "Alright then, when are you gonna tell me what exactly happened to Judy?" I risk glancing up at him.
"She's safe, sir. Are you ready?"
He grunts. "Let's go."

I wake up slowly, the drug still in my system, making my movements sluggish. Nick. My eyes fly open and my heart pounds. Good. It'll get the stuff out of my system faster.

He DRUGGED me. Why? Under some misguided notion of keeping me safe. But he knows I can take care of myself.

I try to stand, but my legs slump out from underneath me. Dumb fox. What if he gets hurt? Or goes savage? That's probably why he left me here. Furball.
"Oof." I get my legs under me, shakily. I can stand now, at least. Now I have to go help my partner.

*This double update is a Independence Day gift to you, reader. Enjoy!

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