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The first thing I see when I walk in is Nick. It's funny. At times, it feels as if the world stops when I look at him. My best friend. His gun is in his hand, and a clip of tranq darts is thrown over his shoulder. Just seeing the things reminds me of why I'm here. I open my mouth to berate him, when I notice his expression. Total and complete horror and terror. My mouth hangs open. I'm not that scary, am I? I hear a voice that smirks and sneers.
"Lookie here, boys. Judy Hopps. What a surprise. You know, we owe you something for all the trouble you caused us last time." I hear a gun cock, and I suddenly understand Nicks fear. I'm glued to the spot. Maybe I do deserve this. A bullet would be a quick way to go, right? I close my eyes. And accept the end.

Something crashes into me, knocking me away. I open my eyes and a sound, whoosh-pop, whizzes by my ear and whoever crashed into me starts convulsing. I look, terrified, and see red fur.

"Nick, no!"


I had no choice, in the end. I'd realised something monumental when they aimed that gun at Judy. I loved her. I hadn't always, but when I saw her realise that she was in danger, it broke my heart. I had to take that serum. I just hoped she had the sense to stay away. There was no time to tranq myself.

I can feel the savage rising up. It's both familiar and strange. I'm fighting a losing battle. It takes over.

Run, eat, hunt. Kill. Run, eat, hunt. Kill. A small grey rabbit stares at me. I go into my hunting crouch, readying for the moment that I'll need to chase. But she never runs. Strange. But easier for me. She opens her mouth and says a word that I once knew. "Nick." It means nothing, now. All that matters is the hunt. A strange sound whistles over to a timber wolf. Whoosh-pop. Strange. The rabbit is forgotten as I creep towards the wolf. He seems to be in pain. His body stills. And suddenly, he attacks.

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