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I jog into the restaurant and scan the animals there. No sign of her. I got here first. I smirk and slouch on a couch they have in the waiting room. I send Judy a text.

'Beat you. Dinner's on the bunny.'
A few minutes later I get a response.

'Sweet cheese and crackers! Almost there.'

My smirk gets bigger, and I fiddle with my tie. Judy walks in.

"Hey, Nick. Where do you want to sit?"
"I want a booth, Carrots." I guide her over to the booth with the best view of the city.

We sit down and read off the menu.
"Wow, all this stuff sounds WAY better than Doris's burnt surprise. I think I'll take the spaghetti with meat sauce. With extra garlic bread, since you're paying." All meat in Zootopia is made from soy beans. It still tastes pretty good.

Judy nods. "I think I'll get..... a salad and some carrot cake." She waves the waiter over and orders. Our phones chirp at the same time. I reach down and look at the message. She does the same.

"Chief Bogo? Why?" Her eyes widen and meet mine.
"We have to go, NOW." The waiter waves us on.

Animals are going savage. The Night Howlers are back.


We don't bother grabbing a taxi, we travel by paw. Tony's isn't far from the station.

Chief Bogo greets us at the door. "I assume you both got the alert?"
Nick and I nod. He grunts and we walk towards the briefing room. I wave to Ben.

Everyone else is waiting and I quickly seat myself.

"Alright, mammals, listen up." The room goes dark and the screen lights up, showing pictures of shadowed shapes.

"A gang called the Night Howlers has started infecting animals with night howlers. Our intelligence suggests that this group is mainly predators, trying to avenge the wrongs done to them the last time animals went savage." I feel guilty. That was my fault. Nick is tense beside me.

"Hopps, Wilde, since you two have had success in this area before, you are leading the investigation. Everyone else, be extremely careful when going about your duties. Any questions? No? Good. Dismissed."


I throw on a vest over the uniform, cinching it firmly. Judy does the same, strapping on her spare belt since she apparently left her other one at home. Dumb bunny.

I finish and look over at her. "You ready, Cottontail?"
She grins. "Let's go."
I motion towards the door with my tail.
"After you,"

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