Christopher, Welcome

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(Credit goes to @GamingVirus246 for Christopher! Maybe check out their fic? It's REALLY good!)

Nick POV

It's been five years since I said 'I do' to Judy. Five years of laughter, love, and yes, tears and fights. So what if we don't always agree? Our differences are why we love each other, and why we're a great team.

These past five years have been heavenly, imperfect in the best way, and just what id always wanted to share with her. But there is one flaw to our happiness.

Judy and I are unable to have children. Predator and prey... it just isn't biologically possible. Interspecies couple who are either both prey or both predator can sometimes produce progeny, if they're physically similar, but it's by no means guaranteed. But Judy and I are denied even that, much to our grief.

She would have been a wonderful mother. And I would have tried my best to be a good father. But we both accepted the fact that we would be childless when we fell in love, so it's not like it was a surprise.

So that brings us to where we are now, in my car, driving to the orphanage. Judy's looking out the window, lost in dreamland, but holding my paw as a sort of anchor. To keep her here, with me.

We didn't know WHO we were going to bring home with us, or even if we were at all, but we're hopeful. Whoever, whatever they are, I silently promise myself that I'll be the best I can be, for the cub and Judy.

Judy suddenly stiffens, tugging on my paw. "Nick, stop!"

I quickly brake the car, wincing at the jerk of the sudden stop. Judy may be able to get away with bad driving, but I have a reputation to uphold.

Judy lets go of me, and darts out of the car, breaking into a sprint. It's only then I see what caught her attention.

Two kids picking on a lone child. Pushing him into the mud puddles that nine the road, pushing him around...

When I see the look of fury in Judy's face, I almost feel sorry for them. Almost. But I'm angry too, memories of my tainted childhood feeding the flames.

"Hey! That's enough!" Judy's voice cuts through the air, and into the guilty hearts of the kids. They jump, and stare wide-eyed at her form, sprinting towards them, showing no sign of stopping. I follow closely at her heels.

The two bullies dart away, obviously more bark than bite. Cowards. But they are young.

I kneel down next to the youngster huddled on the ground, who seems to be choking back tears. He seems to be a... dragon?

It's not like dragons aren't UNHEARD of, but they're pretty rare. I think he's only the second one I've ever seen.

Judy's eyes, though still angry, are sympathetic. She crouches down next to me, and pats the child's back. "It's okay, they're gone. We'll protect you. Shhshh."

The kid sniffles, then looks up at us, cats-eye pupils thinning in the sun's light. "I-I-I'm Christopher. Who're you?" His tone shows a hint of defensiveness. I'd bet that he's been picked on a lot.

"I'm Judy Wilde, and this is my husband, Nick. Nice to meet you, Christopher. Do you need help getting home?"

If possible, Christopher looks even sadder as we all stand up. "I-I live at the orphanage. Please don't make me go back. They'll pick on me."

Judy looks at me, and suddenly, we both know that this youngling needs us. And maybe we need him, at least a little.

I grin. "Ask the kid, Carrots. I'm game if you both are."

That night, our guest room was full, and we all fell asleep with smiles on our faces.

(Happy Holidays! Love you all!)

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