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"Are you sure Grey's the supplier? I mean, he could just be very careful. " I ask. Nick and I are in our patrol car, parked off of one of Mr. Grey's fields. Night has fallen, and we're just sitting here, waiting for something to happen.
"I checked everyone else out. He's the only one growing the stuff in this amount. 'Course, it could be someone we never thought of. I'm not saying his guilty, but staking out his farm is a good idea." Unlike me, Nick seems to be getting more energy as the shadows darken. Rabbits are supposed to be diurnal. Sadly, I can't follow that principle much these days.


I glance over at Judy, who's doing her best to bit fall asleep. I feel a little bit of sympathy for the little bunny.
"Go to sleep, Carrots. I'll wake you if anything happens." She shifts, and soft snores fill the air. Huh. No argument there.
I flick my eyes over the fields, concentrating on different things each round. One, Two, One, Two. There, I saw movement. No need to wake her up unless it's confirmed. I squint, focusing. A timber wolf trotts out.
"Carrots. Wake up. I touch her shoulder and she jolts awake.
"What? What's going on?" even though she just woke up, her violet eyes are alert and ready.
I put a finger over my lips. "Shhhhshh. Timber wolf in the fields. Grey's the supplier. Timber wolves don't live here."
"Are you sure? We need evidence. Let's go." She gets out and quietly shuts the door. I follow her lead.


After dragging me through thorn bushes, puddles, and sudden holes, Judy finally turns to me.
"There's a van up ahead. They're loading it up. You were right. Grey's supplying somebody with night howlers. It might not be the gang, though."
"Who wants to bet they howl?" Nick grins playfully. There are three, muscled, tall wolves.
He had no sooner said that then they started howling. "Told you so."
I smack his arm for quiet and he rubs it with a mock resentful look. "Hey! I gotta use this arm later." I ignore him and watch the wolves.

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