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"Chief Bogo! Bogo!" Judy runs excitedly ahead of me, hands almost joining her feet on the ground.
"Slow down, Carrots." I gasp. Fox aren't really built for stamina. Speed yes. Sprints, yes. But stamina? No.
[Hey, author here! I just want to apologize for how slow the updates have been! I'm juggling three or four different things, and the result is writers block. Thanks for understanding. There was one other thing. What was it? Oh, yeah. If you want a (appropriate) chapter, just message me with the details. I'm bored, like, fifty percent of the time. Thanks, lets get back to Nick and Judy.]

"What? Hopps? What's going on?" Clawhauser asks, but Judy just waves him off.
"Is Bogo on his office? It's important, Ben." Curse the rabbit. She's not even breathing hard.
"Yeah, wh-" Poor Ben doesn't even get to finish before Judy darts away. I shrug my shoulders at him apologetically, and race after her, despite burning legs and lungs.

I manage to catch up to her before she gets to the office. She slows, out of compassion for me, I bet. A true friend. I open the door of the chiefs office only to find him looking supremely guilty. "Chief? Is everything alright?"
"Yes!" He blurts out. "What is it?" His hands are arranged carefully on his desk. Judy gives me a look and her ears twitch. She mouths the word 'Gazelle'. Oh. That explains a lot, actually. She steps forward. I always find it a little bit comical how Bogo dwarfs her. Yet, she has earned his respect. Pretty impressive for a meter maid.

Despite the seriousness of what we bring, Judy grins. "Chief, we found the gang. And their supplier. But we'll need help to catch them."
"Thank you, Judy. We can handle the case from here. I knew you could crack it. You two look exhausted."

"But, sir, we WANT to help. You need us." I personally think that Judy has a death wish. All of these predators are large, angry, and have proven they're ready to kill.

The Night Before.

"Nick?" I whisper as loud as I dare.
He glances at me from the other side of the closed door. His startlingly green eyes almost glow in this low light.
"Can you see anything?" His eyes work better in this environment than mine do.

He does a quick scan. "No. Should we keep on going? I don't here anyone on the other side."
I nod.

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