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I pull up to a old abandoned warehouse. "We're here." I switch the car off and step out. "Carrots, maybe you should stay in the car, y'know, if I call for backup, you storm in there, guns blazing."

She looks at me disdainfully. "Yeah, that's not happening. Let's go." She marches towards the door, ears pinned back.

I shake my head and follow her. These bunnies. So stubborn.

Before she reaches the door, I run so that I'm ahead. "Slash knows me. I better go in first." I can tell Judy wants to argue, but realises the sense in it.
"Alright. Go ahead."
I open the door and step inside.


"Slash, it's Nick. You can come out." Nick opens his mouth and yells.
"The password." A rough voice echoes.
Nick sighs. "If pigs could fly, would I be standing here?" There's quiet and the voice, Slash, I think, asks suspiciously, "Who's your new friend? And why are you dressed as a cop, Nick? You haven't sold out on me, have you?"
"This is Officer Hopps, my partner. I work as a officer now, but don't worry buddy. We're not here to arrest you."
Slash seems relieved. "Bunny cop. That's a new one. Whaddya want, Nick? I know you didn't pop by to chat." Smart guy.

"Ever heard of the Night Howlers? They're a new gang that's popped up. We were wondering if you knew anything." Nick winks at me. There's a window letting in a little moonlight, but not enough for him to see my blush. Why am I blushing?

A figure steps into the moonlight, light glinting off white fangs. Slash. He grins. "I might know something."


"What's your price?" This is how these things go. You pay for information. More if it's dangerous. That's how Slash makes his pocket money. That and smuggling.

He taps his chin. "Tell you what, we're old pals, Nick, so I'll cut you a deal. You'll make sure that this little meeting never officially happened, and make sure the police don't find out about me, at least for as long as this case lasts, and I'll tell you. The Night Howlers would most likely kill me if they knew how much I know, and I can't deal with the police on top of that. Deal?" He reaches a paw out, and I shake it. "Great. Now, Hopps, I've known you for two minutes, and, frankly, I don't trust you. So I'll tell Nick, but you'll have to wait out here. Sorry, but this is a dangerous business. Gotta cover all my bases." I can't help smiling. I can see from here Judy's mad.

"Good, good. Nick, follow me." With that, Slash steps back and the darkness swallows him whole.

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