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"Okay, I think I've got all the proof we need." Judy whispers. I'm standing watch at the door as she meticulously goes over every surface looking for clues. She makes sure to stay a safe distance from the night howlers, though, I notice.
Not that I was watching. Whatever.

"Good. Got the address?"
She nods.
"Let's go fill Bogo in before something happens."
She smiles and chuckles quietly. "Like an evil mayor and her gang of rams?"
I shrug. "Something like that."


"We shouldn't be doing this, fluff." I say. She'd made it to the car before me and I'm trying to live to see another horrible breakfast at Doris's.
she barely glances over at me. "Doing what?"
I sigh. This is going to be difficult. We pull up at her apartment and get out. She left her good belt with all the police goodies in it here. I'd restocked at the station. We both walk inside.
"This case. It's dangerous, we nearly died last time, and we're the smallest animals the force has. Judy, please. We don't have to do this."
Her eyes widen as she turns to me. "You never call me Judy."
I grimace inwardly. "Slip of the tongue. Were you even listening?"
"Yes. Nick, I have to finish this case. I'M the one the got prey so mad at predators, which caused this." We're inside her apartment. Her neighbors aren't home, thank goodness.
"It's all my fault, Nick. I'm just as scared that something will happen to you as you are about me. But we have a duty."
"Carrots, it wasn't your fault. Maybe a little. But these predators are the ones who decided to go on this personal vendetta. You heard Bogo, this isn't our duty. We've done enough. Quit while you're ahead." I feel my emotions playing across my face. She's the only one who can make them come out. We're standing at opposite ends of the room, facing each other now. Her belt is forgotten in her hand.


I've only seen Nick so agitated after that horrible press conference. He's really worried. I've never seen so much raw emotion on his face before.
"Nick, I-"
"Please, for me. Just give up on this one case, let others handle it. Please."

I shake my head. "I can't. I started all if this, and I've got to be the one to fix it."

His hand brushes his belt while the other reaches up and messes with his head fur. "I can't even trust you to keep yourself safe. How am supposed to trust you with anything else?"

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