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I limp out to my car, my muscles slowly coming back to life. It'll take me about three and half hours to get to the Night Howlers base. And give Nick a very stern talking to. I'm furious at him. How could he do that to me? I trusted him. What if he got hurt, and I wasn't there?


The flashlights strapped to the guns give off enough light. Bogo goes in first, flanked by officers Fangmeyer and Delgato. The rest of us pour in behind them. I keep to the middle, and try not to get stepped on. It's empty. No one's here. The flowers still are, though.

Half of the officers stand down, and start collecting evidence, while the other half cover them, guns raised. I'm one of the gunslinging maniacs. I'm watching the back of Trunkaby, when I see movement in the corner. I call out a warning, and everything goes still.

Whoosh-pop. Something whizzes through the air, and hits Trunkaby. Oh no. No, no, no. She drops to all fours, body contorting. When she turns around, there is no recognition in her eyes. Her tusks gleam and her trunk reaches for me with deadly intent.
I dodge, going down on all fours for a moment.

"Trunkaby's hit! I need elephant strength tranqs over here!" I yell. Someone nails her just between the shoulder blades, and she goes still.

Whoosh-pop. Whoosh-pop. Two more animals are hit, a hippo and a ram. They quickly stab darts into themselves before the night howler hits their systems.
I raise my voice again. "They're targeting prey! They're targeting prey!" All prey quickly get down low, Bogo included. Safety trumps pride in this. The predators all go back to back in a circle around the prey. I'm hilariously shorter than everyone else. Our guns are held at attention, ready to shoot if need be.

"Come out!" Fangmeyer yells. "ZPD! You are under arrest! Come quietly, and we can guarantee a fair trial!"

"Oh, yeah?" A voice sneers from the shadows. "We know the FAIRNESS of the ZPD, right, boys?"
I grip my gun tighter. This is not going to end well.

The door opens suddenly, letting in pale moonlight. A grey furred bunny steps in. And I can think of only two words.

Judy, no!

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