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"No dear, we haven't heard anything. We'll let you know if we do." Mom says, shaking her head.
"Thanks any...."
"CARROTS! Help! I'm being attacked!" Nick yells desperately. I turn quickly, hand on my taser, but relax. "Be careful, Nick. They can smell fear." All two hundred seventy four of my siblings are currently climbing all over Nick, petting his tail, wrestling his feet. He goes down after a mounted attack to his legs. He reaches a hand out to me dramatically as they swarm over him, so that I can't see anything except the occasional flash of red. "Help." "Sorry, you're on your own for this one." I giggle.


I mock growl at her. She has A LOT of siblings. They're wriggly, too.
"Mister Nick, is it true you saved Judy's life?" "Did you really sell Mr. Big a skunk butt rug?" "I'm not answering that! And yes, I did save Judy's life. More than once. So I can't see why she won't save MINE." I say emphatically. "Quit whining. C'mon. We've got a investigation to get started on."
"Right behind you, Carrots. See you later, Mrs. Hopps. Bye kids." I stand up, causing a large avalanche of fluffy cottontails. They all wave in unison and scamper off to find their next victim. I trot to keep up with Judy, who's already heading out the door. Where does she get all this energy?
"Where to, Carrots?"
"I think that we should maybe split up. You take the predators, I get the prey. You know, make everyone more comfortable. We don't have to though."
"Does every bunny around here have a million kids?" I ask suspiciously.
"Pretty much."
"You know what, splitting up is a great idea. Where do I go first? And shouldn't we be in civilians clothes?"
She halts and hits her paw to her forehead. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?"
"Because I'm the brains if this operation. I packed clothes in the car. I just gotta go get them."
"I've got clothes at the house I can use."
"Meet you back at the car."


I hurry back to the house, and breeze into my room. I grab a old ratty T-shirt, and a pair of jeans I wear when it's harvest time. All my good clothes are back at my apartment. I kiss Moms cheek on the way out and head to the car.
I don't know where Nick changed, but he's slouching against the car, wearing his customary green button up and tie. "FINALLY. I almost solved the case you took so long."
I roll my eyes. "Alright, smarty pants. You ready?"

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