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I sit on a chair in the hospital room, head in my hands. How did it all go wrong? If I hadn't been there, Nick would've been paying more attention to the Night Howlers. I look at him, bloody and strapped to the hospital bed. He was given the antidote, but they take every precaution. The bite on the shoulder is the real concern. It tore the muscle off the bone, and they gad to reattach it. They're keeping him in a coma while it heals. The nurse bustles in and out occasionally, checking on him and setting flowers and letters down. He's a hero. If he knew he would've given one of his smirks. I bury my face in my paws and lean back in my chair. Slowly, agonizingly, I fall asleep. His face is the last thing I see.


I sit next to Nick on the bed. He's been under for two weeks, and they stopped drugging him. They say when he wakes up is up to him now. The straps have been removed and he's been moved to a nicer room. The ZPD is paying for everything. I hold his paw, touching the rough pads and the dull claws. I roll his knuckles around, staring at his face.
"Ben broke his record today. Ten donuts in three minutes. You'd think it was impossible, but he is a fast cheetah." I chuckle. He remains unresponsive. "Everyone misses you. Even Bogo. I've been helping train the newbies until you get back on your feet. The docs say you'll wake up when you're ready. Please, Nick. Wake up. I miss you." I turn away. I can't bear to see his face without any life in it.
A rough, groggy, familiar voice croaks into the quiet hospital room. "Only a kiss from a bunny cop can wake the Sleeping Nick." I gasp and whirl around. His eyes are cracked open and a weak smirk is on his face. His paw is squeezing mine now. I sob. "Nick!" I wrap my arms around him, squeezing as tightly as I can. He grunts. "Your chin is digging into my ribs." I quickly pull back. "That wasn't a complaint. Get back here." He hugs me back, warm and soft and ALIVE. "Missed me, huh, Carrots? I think you might've cracked a rib."
"Really?" My voice is muffled against his hospital gown. His head is resting on top of mine, and I feel it shake from side. His tail wags under the blankets. When I finally release him, his grin has done nothing but grow. "I didn't get that kiss." When I hesitate uncertainly, he chuckles. "Another time, then. So," He starts to stand up. "what'd I miss?"

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