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"Nick, hey, wake up, furball." I jostle Nicks shoulder, trying to wake him up.
"Huh? What? Where are we?" His green eyes blink open.
"We're at your house. C'mon, I'll help you inside." After groggily shaking his head, he stands up and makes his way inside. "See you tomorrow." I call after him. He waves sleepily back at me.


Doris meets me at the door. "Nick, your rent." I reach into my pocket and hand her a couple of bills. "Thank you. Dinners on the stove if you want it." "I'm fine." I walk up to my room, and collapse on the bed, gear and all. I quickly return to sleep.

Sunlight filters through the window. "Nick. Nicky Wicky. Wake up."
I look up and Judy is leaning over me, bright eyed and bushy tailed.
"Did you just call me Nicky Wicky?"
"Yep. Problem?" She arches a silver eyebrow.
"Yes. I'm not three years old, you know." I stand up. Good thing I'm already in my gear. "Let's go."
"You slept with a GUN in your holster?! Nick, remind me to teach you gun safety." Judy walks out of my room and starts cheerfully chatting with Doris. I straighten my shirt, smoothing out the wrinkles. My tie is wrapped loosely around my neck. After correcting this and making sure my gear is all where it's supposed to be, I stroll out, waving to Doris. Luckily, I won't have to suffer through oatmeal rocks, her breakfast specialty. I break into a sprint and beat Judy to the drivers seat. "Nice try, Carrots. I'd like to live to eat breakfast." She sticks out her chin. "Ha-ha. I'm not that bad, am I?"
"Yes, you are. Cottontail, where to today? BunnyBurrows, right?"
"Yeah. But we have to sign in at the station first. Check and see if Bogo's got any leads."


"We've got nothing more except four more gone savage. We were hoping you found something." Bogo's voice is stern, but he's getting warmed up to me, I can tell. Nick speaks up.
"We heard that the gangs supplier is in BunnyBurrow. We're going there to see if can find out who."
"Huh. Wouldn't have thought the bunnies were supplying them. Investigate it. Hopefully you'll get a break. Lionheart's been breathing down my neck about this. It looks bad for him with two night howler breakouts in a year."
"We'll do you proud, chief." I say, shaking his hoof.
"You'd better."

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