New Apartment

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The ring on my finger sparkles as I made the bed. It catches my eye, and I smile.

"You look happy."

I turn and see Nick leaning in the door, watching me with soft eyes.
"Always," I grin shyly. "I can't wait for tomorrow."

Tomorrow. Our wedding. FINALLY!

"Neither can I," Nick smirks, and walks over to me, pecking my cheek. "How do you like the apartment?"

I twirl around, arms stuck out. "I LOVE it. More rooms, no noisy neighbors. Thicker walls..." I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. Nick puts on a mock terrified face.

"I knew it! She's going to murder me!" He wails.

I shove his side, "accidentally" hugging him. "Oh, come on! I've put up with you this long! Give me some credit!"

He picks me up, so that we're eye level. "Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you can put up with me until one of us dies?" His warm eyes look at me, pleading and quiet.

I kiss him softly. "Yes. Of course. You're not trying to get rid of me, are you?"


He lowers me back down, and I continue putting the apartment in order for when we get back from our honeymoon.

Finally, satisfied, I look around. Everything's as perfect as I can make it. We're only a two minute's walk from the precinct, it's clean, and had plenty of room. We're going to be just fine.

And we deserve it, for all the trouble it's taken to get here. I wouldn't trade one moment of it, though, looking back. It was so worth it, learning to love him.

But I think I've had enough harrowing adventures, maybe.

Nick's sitting on the couch, watching Pawrites of the Caripurrian. Doggy Dep is playing Black Sparrow, and, at the moment, is trying to convince Barpawsa to hand over the the Dark Mew.

I sit down next to Nick, leaning into him. He unconsciously pulls me closer, and we watch the movie, nervous and excited for the morning.

{Hey! Like it? Y'all better! I'm hoping I'll hear you guys in the comments! It's the closest thing I have to fan mail!}

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